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NEET Biology : Neural Control and Coordination

Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but not vice versa

  • Endocrine glands regulate neural activity, and nervous system regulates endocrine glands

  • Neither hormones control neural activity nor the neurons control endocrine activity

  • Neither hormones control neural activity nor the neurons control endocrine activity


Bowman’s glands are located in the

  • proximal end of uriniferous tubules

  • anterior pituitary

  • female reproductive system of cockroach

  • female reproductive system of cockroach


Which one of the following not act as a neurotransmitter?

  • Acetylcholine

  • Epinephrine

  • Nor epinephrine

  • Nor epinephrine


Ultrasound of how much frequency is beamed into human body for sonography?

  • 30-45 MHz

  • 15-30 MHz

  • 1-15 MHz

  • 1-15 MHz


Biological organisation starts with

  • submicroscopic molecular level

  • cellular level

  • organismic level

  • organismic level


Cornea transplant in humans is almost never rejected. This is because

  • its cells are least penetrable by bacteria

  • It has no blood supply

  • It is composed of enucleated cells

  • It is composed of enucleated cells


Good vision depends on adequate intake of carotene rich food
Select the best option from the following statements
(a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from carotene
(b)The photopigments are embedded in the membrane discs of the inner segment
(c) Retinal is a derivative of vitamin A
(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the visual photopigments

  • (a) & (b)

  • (a), (c) & (d)

  • (a) & (c)

  • (a) & (c)


Bowman's glands are found in

  • olfactory epithelium

  • external auditory canal

  • cortical nephrons only

  • cortical nephrons only


Which one of the following is a matching pair of a body feature and the animal possessing it?

  • Post-anal tail   -   Octopus

  • Ventral Central nervous system - Leech nervous system

  • Pharyngeal gill slits absent in embryo

  • Pharyngeal gill slits absent in embryo


Which one of the following pairs of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other types of cells?

  • perikaryon and dendrites

  • vacuoles and fibres

  • flagellum and modulloary sheath

  • flagellum and modulloary sheath

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