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NEET Biology : Neural Control and Coordination

Multiple Choice Questions


During the transmission of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre, the potential on the inner side of the plasma membrane has which type of electric charge?

  • First negative then positive and again back to negative

  • First positive than negative and continue to be negative

  • First negative then positive and continue to be positive

  • First positive then negative and again back to positive


Schneiderian and tympanic membrane respectively belongs to

  • Ear and nose

  • Ear and eye

  • Ear and ear

  • Nose and ear


Lens of eyes is derived from

  • Ectoderm

  • Mesoderm

  • Endoderm

  • Both (b) and (c)


Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
A Sacral nerves 1. 1 Pair
B Thoraic nerves 2. 8 Pair
C Cocygeal nerves 3. 7 Pairs
D Cervical nerves 4. 12 Pairs
    5. 5 Pairs

  • A B C D
    4 1 3 2
  • A B C D
    5 3 1 2
  • A B C D
    5 4 1 1
  • A B C D
    2 5 3 1


The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by

  • ligaments attached to the ciliary body

  • ligaments attached to the iris

  • smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body

  • smooth muscles attached to the iris


Pick the hormone which is not secreted by human placenta.

  • hCG

  • hPL

  • Prolactin

  • Oestrogen


 In the central nervous system, myelinated fibres form the ….., while the non-myelinated fibre cells form the ……

  • Grey matter, white matter

  • White matter, grey matter

  • Ependymal cells, neurosecretory cells

  • Neurosecretory cell, ependymal cells


Nissl bodies are mainly composed of

  • Proteins and lipids

  • DNA and RNA

  • Free ribosomes and RER

  • Nucleic acids and SER


Which of the following statement is correct in relation to the endocrine system?

  • Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation fo the hypothalamus

  • Organs in the body like a gastro-intestinal tract, heart, kidney and liver do not produce any hormone.

  • Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount that act as inter-cellular messanger are known as hormones.

  • Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland


Which of the following structures or regions is incorrectly paired with its functions?

  • Medulla oblongata : Controls respiration and cardiovascular reflexes

  • Limbic system: consists of fibre tracts that interconnect different regions of brain; controls movement.

  • Corpus callosum: band of fibres connecting system: left and right cerebral hemispheres.

  • Hypothalamus: production of releasing hormones and regulation of temperature,the hunger and thirst.

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