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NEET Biology : Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Multiple Choice Questions


In C4 plants, CO2 combines with

  • phosphoglyceric acid

  • ribulose diphosphate

  • phosphoenol pyruvate

  • phosphoglyceraldehyde


Stomatal opening in plants occurs due to influx of

  • Na

  • K

  • ABA

  • Auxins


In CAM plants

  • stomata open in day and close at night

  • stomata remain open in day and night both

  • stomata remain closed in day and night both

  • stomata open at night and close in day


Photorespiration is favoured by

  • high O2 and low CO2

  • high CO2 and low O2

  • high temperature and low O2

  • high humidity and temperature


In Hatch and Slack pathway

  • chloroplast are of same type

  • occurs in Kranz anatomy where mesophyll have small chloroplast whereas bundle sheath have granal chloroplast

  • occurs in Kranz anatomy when mesophyll have small chloroplast where as bundle sheath have larger, agranal chloroplast

  • Kranz anatomy where mesophyll cells are diffused


Energy transfer in photosynthesis occurs as

  • Phycoerythrin Phycocyanin Carotenoid Chlorophyll a

  • Chlorophyll b Carotenoid Phycoerythrin Chlorophyll a

  • Phycocyanin Phycoerythrin Carotenoid Chlorophyll a

  • Chlorophyll b Carotenoid Phycocyanin Chlorophyll a


The form of pigment which inhibits germination is

  • P760

  • P730

  • P650

  • All of these


In photosynthesis what occurs in PS-II?

  • It takes longer wavelength of light and e- from H2O

  • It takes shorter wavelength of light and e- from H2O

  • It takes longer wavelength of light and e- from NADP

  • It takes shorter wavelength of light and e- from NADP


The thylakoid in chloroplast are arranged as

  • interconnected disc

  • interconnected sacs

  • stacked discs

  • none of the above


In Hatch and Slack type plants CO2 acceptor is

  • malate

  • pyruvate

  • phosphoenol pyruvate

  • aspartate

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