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NEET Biology : Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Multiple Choice Questions


The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is widely used in contemporary biology as a/an

  • Indicator of water pollution

  • insecticide

  • agent for the production of dairy products

  • agent for the production of dairy products


Which one of the following statements about the particular entity is true?

  • Centromere is found in animal cell which produces ester during cell divison

  • the gene for producing insulin is present in every body cell

  • Nucleosome is formed of nucleotides

  • Nucleosome is formed of nucleotides


Which one of the following is commonly used in the transfer of foreign DNA into crops plants?

  • Trichoderma hazianum

  • Meloidogyne incognita

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Which one of the following symbols and its representation, used in human pedigree analysis is correct?

  •  = Mating between relatives

  •  = unaffected male

  •  = Unaffected female

  •  = Unaffected female


Study the pedigree chart of a certain family given below and select the correct conclusion which can be drawn for the character.

  • The female parent is heterozygous

  • The parents could not have a had a normal daughter for this character

  • The trait under study could not be colour blindness

  • The trait under study could not be colour blindness


Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to dihybrid cross. 

  • Tightly linked genes on the same chromosome show higher recombinations

  • Genes far apart on the same chromosome show very few recombinations

  • Genes loosely linked on the same chromosome show similar recombinations as the tightly linked ones.

  • Genes loosely linked on the same chromosome show similar recombinations as the tightly linked ones.


The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster was found to be very suitable for experimental verification of chromosomal theory of inheritance by Morgan and his colleagues because

  • It reproduces parthenogenetically

  • a single mating produces two young files

  • smaller female is easily recognisable from larger male

  • smaller female is easily recognisable from larger male


Point mutation involves

  • insertion

  • change in the single base pair

  • duplication

  • duplication


In genetic engineering, a DNA segment (gene) of interest, is transferred to the host cell through a vector. Consider the following four agents (A-D) in the regard and select the correct option about which one or more of these can be used as a vector/vectors

A) A bacterium
B) Plasmid
C) Plasmodium
D) Bacteriophage

  • A, B and D only

  • A only

  • A and C only

  • A and C only


Which one of the following condition in humans is correctly matched with tis chromosomal abnormality /linkage?

  • Klinefelter's syndrom-44 autosomes + XXX

  • Colourblindness- Y-linked

  • Erythroblastosis foetails - X-linked

  • Erythroblastosis foetails - X-linked

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