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NEET Biology : Structural Organisation In Animals

Multiple Choice Questions


A frog has its brain crushed. But when pinched on the leg, The leg draws away. It is an example of

  • neurotransmitter incluced response

  • simple reflex

  • conditioned reflex

  • automated motor response


In cockroach, the arthrodial membrane

  • forms the hind wings

  • covers the compound eyes

  • forms the hypopharynx

  • forms the tegmina

  • forms the tegmina


Which of the following scientists discovered the triple helical structure of collagen?

  • G.N. Ramachandran

  • Anton von Leeuwenhoek

  • Matthias Schleiden

  • Theodor Schwann

  • Theodor Schwann


Which one of the following is not a sensory structure in cockroach?

  • Antennae

  • Eyes

  • Anal cerci

  • Maxillary palps

  • Maxillary palps


Choose the wrong statement regarding the circulatory system of frog

  • Sinus venosus receives blood through major veins called vena cava

  • The ventricle opens into a sac like conus arteriosus

  • The erythrocytes are nucleated

  • Special venous connection between liver and intestine called renal portal system is present

  • Special venous connection between liver and intestine called renal portal system is present


Read the following statements and choose the correct answer.

i. Gap junctions cement adjacent cells together

ii. Areolar tissue contains fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells

iii. Tight junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each other

iv. Adhering junctions help to stop substances from leaking across tissues

v. Cells of connective tissue except blood secrete fibres of structural proteins called elastin

  • i, ii and iii only are wrong

  • i, iii and iv only are wrong

  • iii and v only are wrong

  • i, ii and v only are wrong

  • i, ii and v only are wrong


Non-cellular layer that connects inner surface of the epithelial tissue to the connective tissue is

  • basement membrane

  • epidermis

  • dermis

  • either (b) or (c).


Tadpoles can be made to grow in size and become adult by

  • injecting thyroxine hormone

  • feeding the eggs of other frogs

  • injecting gonadotrophic hormones

  • providing them with suitable climatic conditions


Choose the wrongly matched pair regarding the position of
reproductive structures in earthworm

  • Testes - 10th and 11th segments

  • Spermathecae - 6th to 9th segments

  • Male genital pore - 9th segment

  • Ovaries - Inter segmental septum of 12th and 13th segments

  • Ovaries - Inter segmental septum of 12th and 13th segments


The ganglia of sympathetic and the central nervous system in frog develops from the

  • neural cell

  • neural plate cells

  • notochordal cells

  • neural crest cells

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