220 V, 50 Hz, AC source is connected to an  from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


In a circuit, L, C and R are connected in series with an alternating voltage source of frequency f. The current leads the voltage by 45°. The value of C is

  • 12πf 2πf L + R

  • 1πf 2πf L + R

  • 12πf 2πf L - R

  • 1πf 2πf L - R


In a series L-C-R circuit, resistance R = 10 Ω and the impedance Z = 10 Ω. The phase difference between the current and the voltage is

  • 0o

  • 30o

  • 45o

  • 60o


The impedance of a circuit, when a resistance R and an inductor of inductance L are connected in series in an AC circuit of frequency f, is

  • R + 2 π2 f2 L2

  • R + 4π2 f2 L2

  • R2 + 4 π2 f2 L2

  • R2 + 2π2 f2 L2


A choke is preferred to a resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because

  • choke is cheap

  • there is no wastage of power

  • choke is compact in size

  • choke is a good absorber of heat


Induced emf in the coil depends upon

  • conductivity of coil

  • amount of flux

  • rate of change of linked flux

  • resistance of coil


In an L-C-R circuit inductance is changed from L to L/2.To keep the same resonance frequency, C should be changed to

  • 2 C

  • C2

  • 4 C

  • C4


220 V, 50 Hz, AC source is connected to an inductance of 0.2 Hand a resistance of 20 Ω in series. Whatis the current in the circuit?

  • 3.33 A

  • 33.3 A

  • 5 A

  • 10 A


If we change the value of R, then


  • voltage does not change on L

  • voltage does not change on LC combination

  • voltage does not change on C

  • voltage changes on LC combination


Real power consumption in a circuit is least when it contains.

  • high R, low L

  • high R, high L

  • low R, high L

  • high R, low C


The rms speed (in m/s) of oxygen molecules of the gas at temperature 300 K, is

  • 483

  • 504

  • 377

  • 346

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