In the circuit shown below, the switch is kept in from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


The maximum value of AC voltage in a circuit is 707 V. Its rms value is

  • 70.7 V

  • 100 V

  • 500 V

  • 707 V


If an alternating voltage is represented as E = 141 sin (628 t), then the rms value of the voltage and the frequency are respectively

  • 141 V, 628 Hz

  • 100 V, 50 Hz

  • 100 V, 100 Hz

  • 141 V, 100 Hz


A step-down transformer is used on a 1000 V line to deliver 20 A at 120 V at the secondary coil. If the efficiency of the transformer is 80%, the current drawn from the line is

  • 3 A

  • 30 A

  • 0.3 A

  • 2.4 A


An alternating current of rms value 10 A is passed through a 12 Ω resistor. The maximum potential difference across the resistor is

  • 20 V

  • 90 V

  • 169.68 V

  • None of these


In the circuit shown below, the switch is kept in position a for a long time and is then thrown to position b. The amplitude of the resulting oscillating current is given by


  • EL/C

  • E / R

  • infinity

  • EC/L

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