An isotropic point source of light is suspended h metre from Class Physics Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

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NEET Physics : Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Multiple Choice Questions


The wavelength λ of  a photon and the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron have the same value. Find the ratio of the energy of a photon to the kinetic energy of an electron in terms of mass m, the speed of light c and Planck constant.

  • λmch

  • hmcλ

  • 2hmcλ

  • 2λmch


A beam of light composed of red and green rays is incident obliquely at a point on the face of a rectangular glass slab. When coming out on the opposite parallel face, the red and green rays emerge from.

  • Two points propagating in two different non- parallel directions.

  • Two points propagating in two different parallel directions

  • one point propagating in two different directions.

  • one point propagating in the same direction.


An isotropic point source of light is suspended h metre vertically above the centre of the circular table of radius r metre. Then, the ratio of illumenances at the centre to that at the edge of the table is

  • 1 + r2h2

  • 1 + h2r2

  • 1 + r2h23/2

  • 1 + h2r23/2


A photocell is illuminated by a small bright source placed 1m away. When the same source of light is placed 2m away, the electrons emitted by photo cathode

  • Carry one quarter of their previous energy

  • carry one quarter of their previous momenta

  • are half as numerous

  • are one quarter as numerous


A light of wavelength 2000 Afalls on a metallic surface of work function 5.01 eV then required potential difference to slope fastest photoelectron is (h = 6.62 x 10-34J-s)

  • 4.8V

  • 3.6V

  • 2.4V

  • 1.2V


The enregy of a photon corresponding to the visible light maximum wavelength is nearly

  • 7ev

  • 3.2eV

  • 1eV

  • 1.6eV


The energy in MeV is released due to transformation of 1kg mass completely into energy is (c=3×108 m/s)

  • 7.625×10MeV

  • 10.5×1029MeV

  • 2.8×10-28MeV

  • 5.625×1029MeV


20 kV potential is applied across X-ray tube, the minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted will be

  • 0.62 Ao

  • 0.37 Ao

  • 1.62 Ao

  • 1.31 Ao


If work function of a metal is 4.2 eV, the cut off wavelength is

  • 8000 Ao

  • 7000 Ao

  • 1472 Ao

  • 2950 Ao


The work function of sodium is 2.3 eV. The threshold wavelength of sodium will be

  • 2900 Ao

  • 2500 Ao

  • 5380 Ao

  • 1200 Ao

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