Figure shows the electric lines of forces emerging from from Class Physics Electric Charges and Fields

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NEET Physics : Electric Charges and Fields

Multiple Choice Questions


A Gaussian sphere encloses an electric dipole within it. The total flux across the sphere is

  • zero

  • half that due to a single charge

  • double that due to a single charge

  • dependent on the position of the dipole


A small piece of metal wire is dragged across the gap between the pole pieces of a magnet in 0.4 sec. If magnetic flux between the pole pieces is known to be 8 × 10-4 Wb, then induced emf in the wire, is

  • 4 × 10-3 V

  • 8 × 10-3 V 

  • 20 × 10-3 V

  • 6 × 10-3 V


The specific charge of a proton is 9.6 x107 C kg-1  The specific charge of an alpha particle will be

  • 9.6 x107 C kg-1

  • 19.2 x107 C kg-1

  • 4.8 x107 C kg-1

  • 2.4 x107 C kg-1


Length cannot be measure by

  • fermi

  • micron

  • debye

  • light year


Charges 4Q, q and Q are placed along x-axis at positions x = 0, x = l/2 and x = l, respectively. Find the value of q so that the force on charge Q is zero:

  • Q

  • Q2

  • -Q2

  • -Q


If Ea be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a point on its axial line and Ee that on equilateral line at the same distance, then

  • Ee = 2Ea

  • Ea = 2Ee

  • Ea = Ee

  • none of these



  • Q6εo

  • Q6 εo

  • Qεo a2

  • Q4πεoa2


Figure shows the electric lines of forces emerging from a charged body. If the electric field at A and B are EA and  EB respectively and if the displacement between A and B is r, then


  • EA > EB

  • EA < EB

  • EA = EB/r

  • EA = E/ r2


Point charges + 4q, - q and+ 4q are kept on the x-axis at points x = 0, x = a and x = 2a respectively, then

  • only- q is in stable equilibrium

  • all the charges are in stable equilibrium

  • all the charges are in unstable equilibrium

  • none of the above


Two spheres of same metal have radii a and b. Thet have been connected to a conducting wire. Find the ratio of the electric field intensity upon them.

  • a/b

  • b/a

  • b2 / a

  • b2/a2

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