An infinite sheet carrying a uniform surface charge from Class Physics Electric Charges and Fields

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NEET Physics : Electric Charges and Fields

Multiple Choice Questions


An infinite sheet carrying a uniform surface charge density σ lies on the xy-plane. The work done to carry a charge q from the point A = a(i^ + 2j^ + 3k^) to the point B= a(i^ - 2j^ + 6k^) (where a is a constant with the dimension of length and ε0 is the permittivity of free space) is

  • 3σaq2ε0

  • 2σaqε0

  • 5σaq2ε0

  • 3σaqε0


Consider two concentric spherical metal shells of radii r1 and r2 (r2 > r1). If the outer shell has a charge q and the inner one is grounded, the charge on the inner shell is

  • - r2r1 q

  • zero

  • - r1r2 q

  • - q


The line AA' is on charged infinite conducting plane which is perpendicular to the plane of the of the paper. The plane has a surface density of charge σ and B is ball of mass m with a like charge of magnitude q. B is connected by string from a point on the line AA'. The tangent of angle (θ) formed between the line AA' and the string is


  • 2ε0mg

  • 4πε0mg

  • 2πε0mg

  • ε0mg


A hollow sphere of external radius R and thickness (t << R) is made of a metal of density ρ. The sphere will float in water, if

  • t  Rρ

  • t  R3ρ

  • t  R2ρ

  • t  R3ρ


A charge q is placed at one corner of a cube. The electric flux through any of the three faces adjacent to the charge is zero. The flux through any one of the other three faces is

  • q/3ε0

  • q/6ε0

  • q/12ε0

  • q/24ε0


Two charges + q and -q are placed at a distance a in a uniform electric field. The dipole moment of the combination is 2qa cos θ i^ + sin θ j^, where, θ is the angle between the direction of the field and the line joining the two charges. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?

  • The torque exerted by the field on the dipole vanishes

  • The net force on the dipole vanishes

  • The torque is independent of the choice of coordinates

  • The net force is independent of a

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