Important Questions of Electromagnetic Waves for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Electromagnetic Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


An electromagnetic wave travels along Z- axis. The pair of space and time varying field is

  • Ey, Bx

  • By, Ez

  • Ex, By

  • Ez, Bx


Spectrum of a star is shifting towards voilet colour, then the star

  • is going away from earth

  • is coming towards earth

  • intensity of light of star is increasing

  • intensity of light of star is decreasing


Light waves of wavelength λ is incident on a metal of work function φ . Maximum velocity of the electron is :

  • 2(-φ)m1/2

  • 2(hc-λφ)1/2

  • 2(hc-λφ)m

  • hc+λφ1/2


The energy of an X-ray photon is 2 keV, then its frequency will be

  • 3.2 x 10-6 per second

  • 5 x 1017 per second

  • 2 x 1017 per second

  • 2 × 1018 per second


The speed of electromagnetic waves in vaccum is

  • µ0ε0

  • 1μ0ε0

  • μ0ε0

  • 1μ0ε0


An electron beam is accelerated through a potential difference of V volt. The minimum wavelength of X-rays produced is :

  • hecV

  • cVhe

  • eVhc

  • hceV


The nature of light waves is similar to

  • cosmic rays

  • cathode rays

  • gamma rays

  • alpha rays


The minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted by X-ray tube is 0.4125 A. The accelerating voltage is

  • 30 kV

  • 50 kV

  • 80 kV

  • 60 kV


X-rays are not used for radar purposes because they are not

  • reflected by target

  • partly absorbed by target

  • electromagnetic waves

  • completely absorbed by target


Arrange the following electromagnetic radiation in the order of decreasing energy.

A. Infrared waves         B. Ultraviolet rays

C. Orange light             D. Green light

  • B, C, A, D

  • D, A, C, B

  • B, D, C, A

  • A, C, D, B

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