Important Questions of Gravitation for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Gravitation

Multiple Choice Questions


The weight of a body on surface of earth is 12.6 N. When it is raised to a height half the radius of earth its weight will be

  • 2.8 N

  • 5.6 N

  • 12.5 N

  • 25.2 N


Two point objects of masses 1.5 g and 2.5 g respectively area at a distance of 16 cm apart, the centre of gravity is at a distance x from the object of mass 1.5 g where x is

  • 10 cm

  • 6 cm

  • 13 cm

  • 3 cm


Two identical solid copper spheres of radius R are placed in contact with each other. The gravitational attraction  between them is proportional to

  • R2

  • R-2

  • R4

  • R-4


Acceleration due to gravity is g on the surface of the earth. Then the value of the acceleration due to gravity at a height of 32 km above earth's surface is (Assume radius of earth to be 6400 km)

  • 0.99 g

  • 0.8 g

  • 1.01 g

  • 0.9 g


The gravitational field is given by E = − xi − 2y2j. When gravitational potential is zero at (0, 0), then the gravitational potential at (2, 1) is

  • 3 unit

  • 6 unit

  • 9 unit

  • 12 unit


A satellite orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius R completes one revolution in 3 h. If orbital radius of geostationarysatellite is 36,000 km, orbital radius of earth is 

  • 6000 km

  • 9000 km

  • 12000 km

  • 15000 km


Which of the following statements about the gravitational constant is true ?

  • It is a force

  • It has no unit

  • It has same value in all systems of units

  • It does not depend on the nature of the medium in which the bodies are kept


On an electron in an atom both electric and gravitational forces are collinear we neglect gravitational force (FG) in comparision to electric force (FE ), because

  • FE > FG

  • FN > FE

  • FE >> FG

  • FN >> FG


A pellet of mass 1 g is moving with an angular velocity of 1 rad/s along a circle of radius 1 m the centrifugal force is

  • 0.1 dyne

  • 1 dyne

  • 10 dyne

  • 100 dyne


If the mass of moon is 190 of earth's mass, its radius is 13 of earth's radius and if g is acceleration due to gravity on earth, then the acceleration due to gravity on moon is

  • g3

  • g90

  • g10

  • g9

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