A body of mass 2m is placed on earth's surface. from Class Physics Gravitation

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NEET Physics : Gravitation

Multiple Choice Questions


A body of mass 2m is placed on earth's surface. Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy, if this body is taken from earth's surface to a height of h, where h = 4R.

  • 2 mghR

  • 23 mgR

  • 85 mgR

  • mgR2


Assertion:  Two bodies of masses M and m (M > m) are allowed to fall from the same height if the air resistance for each be the same then both the bodies will reach the earth simultaneously. 

Reason:  For same air resistance, acceleration of both the bodies will be same.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


A person is standing in an elevator. In which situation he finds himself weightless?

  • Elevator is going up with constant speed.

  • Elevator is moving down with constant speed.

  • Elevator is accelerating up with g.

  • Elevator is accelerating down with g.


Time period of pendulum, on a satellite orbiting the earth, is

  • 1π

  • zero

  • π

  • infinity


What will be the effect on the weight of a body placed on the surface of earth, if earth suddenly ' stops rotating?

  • No effect

  • Weight will increase

  • Weight will decrease

  • Weight will become zero


A satellite is in an orbit around the earth. If its kinetic energy is doubled, then

  • it will maintain its path

  • it will fall on the earth

  • it will rotate with a great speed

  • it will escape out of earth's gravitational field


The change in the gravitational potential energy when a body of mass m is raised to a height nR above the surface of the earth is ( here R is the radius of the earth )

  • nn + 1 mgR

  • nn - 1 mgR

  • nmgR

  • mgRn


Assertion: Kepler's second law can be understood by conservation of angular momentum principle.

Reason:  Kepler's second law is related with areal velocity which can further be proved to be based on conservation of angular momentum as (dA/dt) = ( r2ω / 2 )

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false


The additional kinetic energy to be provided to a satellite of mass m revolving around a planet of mass M to transfer it from a circular orbit of radius R, to another of radius R2 (R2 > R1 ) is

  • GmM 1R12 - 1R22

  • GmM 1R1 - 1R2

  • 2 GmM 1R1 - 1R2

  • 12 GmM 1R1- 1R2


A communication satellite of 500 kg revolves around the earth in a circular orbit of radius 4.0 x 107 m in the equatorial plane of the earth from west to east. The magnitude of angular momentum of the satellite is

  • ∼ 0.13  × 1014 kg m2 s-1

  • ∼ 1.3  × 1014 kg m2 s-1

  • ∼ 0.58 × 1014 kg m2 s-1

  • ∼ 2.58  × 1014 kg m2 s-1

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