In planetary motion, the areal velocity of position from Class Physics Gravitation

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NEET Physics : Gravitation

Multiple Choice Questions


In an earth's satellite, the astronaut stands on a platform. His weight as indicated by the balance will be

  • 6g

  • 2g

  • 8g

  • zero


Escape velocity from a planet is v, If its mass is increased to 8 times and its radius is increased to 2 times, then the new escape velocity would be :

  • ve

  • 2ve

  • 2ve

  • 22ve


Assertion:  At pole value of acceleration due to gravity (g) is greater than that of equator. 

Reason:  Earth rotates on its axis in addition to revolving round the sun.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct expalnation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If assertion is false and reason is true.


Assertion: The time period of revolution of a satellite around a planet is directly proportional to the radius of the orbit of the satellite.

Reason:  Artificial satellite do not follow Kepler's laws of planatary motion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion is true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If assertion is false but reason is true.


A body weighs 200 N at the surface of earth. If it be placed in an artificial satellite revolving at height where acceleration due to gravity is half of that at earth's surface. It will weigh

  • 100N

  • 200N

  • 400N

  • Zero


A satellite in a circular orbit of radius R has a period of 4 h. Another satellite with orbital radius 3 R around the same planet will have a period (in hours)

  • 16

  • 4

  • 4√27

  • 4√8


The acceleration due to gravity becomes g/2, (g = acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth) at a height equal to

  • 4R

  • R/4

  • 2R

  • R/2


In planetary motion, the areal velocity of position vector of a planet depends on angular velocity (ω) and distance of the planet from the sun (r). If so the correct relation for areal velocity is

  • dAdt  ωr

  • dAdt  ω2r

  • dAdt  ωr2

  • dAdt  ωr


An artificial satellite revolves around the earth in a circular orbit with a speed v. If m is the mass of the satellite, its total energy is

  • 12mv2

  • -12mv2

  • -mv2

  • 32mv2


A body of mass m is moved to a height h equal to the radius of the earth. The increase in potential energy is

  • 2mgR

  • mgR

  • 12mgR

  • 14mgR

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