Assertion:  In water, value of magnetic field  from Class Physics Magnetism and Matter

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NEET Physics : Magnetism and Matter

Multiple Choice Questions


 Magnetic field of a short magnet at a distance lm on axial line is 1 oersted at a distance 2 m on the same line the intensity in oersted is

  • 0.75

  • 0.125

  • 0.25

  • 0.5


The ratio of magnetic moments of two short magnets which give null deflection in tan B position at 12 cm and 18 cm from the centre of a deflection magnetometer is

  • 4:9

  • 27:8

  • 2:3

  • 8:27


The distance between the poles of horse shoe magnet is 10 cm and its pole strength is 104 A. The magnetic field induction at point P mid-way between the poles is

  • 8×10-9 tesla

  • 4×10-19 tesla

  • 2×10-9 tesla

  • zero


If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material, paramagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by μ d , μ p and  μ f  respectively, then

  • μ d  0 and μ f  0 

  • μp= 0 and μ f  0

  • μ d = 0 and  μ p  0

  • μ d  0, μ p = 0


A frog can be levitated in magnetic field produced by a current in a vertical solenoid placed below the frog. This is possible because the body of the frog behaves as

  • paramagnetic

  • diamagnetic

  • ferromagnetic

  • anti-ferromagnetic


A magnetic field exerts no force on

  • a magnet

  • an unmagnetised iron bar

  • a moving charge

  • stationary charge


An ideal solenoid having 5000 turns/m has an aluminium core and carries a current of 5A. If χAl = 2.3 × 10-5,  then the magnetic field developed at centre will be

  • 0.031 T

  • 0.048 T

  • 0.027 T

  • 0.050 T


Assertion:  In water, value of magnetic field decreases. 

Reason:  Water is a diamagnetic substance

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Assertion: Magnetic field lines are continuous and closed. 

Reason:  Magnetic monopole does not exist

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false


The temperature of transition from ferromagnetic property to paramagnetic property is called

  • Transition temperature

  • Critical temperature

  • Curie temperature

  • Triplet temperature

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