A balloon contains 500 m3 of helium at 27o C and 1 from Class Physics Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions


If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube, then

  • air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till sizes become equal

  • air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till sizes are interchanged

  • air flows from smaller bubble to bigger

  • there is no flow of air


A soap bubble of radius r is blown up to form a bubble of radius 2r under isothermal conditions. If  T  is the surface tension of soap solution, the energy spent in the blowing

  • 3 πTr2

  • 6πTr2

  • 12πTr2

  • 24 πTr2


A hollow sphere of volume V is floating on water surface with half immersed in it. What should be the minimum volume of water poured inside the sphere so that the sphere now sinks into the water 

  • V2

  • V3

  • V4

  • V


The speed of air flows on the upper and lower surfaces of a wing of an aeroplane are v1 and v2 respectively. If A is the cross section area of the wing and ρ is the density of air, then the upward life is

  • 12ρ Av2 - v1

  • 12ρ Av1 + v2

  • 12 ρ A  v12 - v22 

  • 12ρ A v12  +  v22 


The work done in increasing the size of a soap film for 10cm × 6cm  to 10cm × 11cm is 3  × 10-4 J. The surface tension of the film is

  • 1.0  × 10-2 N/m

  • 6.0  × 10-2 N/m

  • 3.0  × 10-2 N/m

  • 1.5  × 10-2 N/m


A balloon contains 500 m3 of helium at 27o C and 1 atmosphere pressure. The volume of the helium at - 3° C temperature and 0.5 atmosphere pressure will be

  • 1000 m3

  • 900 m3

  • 700 m3

  • 500 m3


An ice-cube of density 900 kg/m3 is floating in water of density 1000 kg/m3. The percentage of volume ofice-cube outside the water is

  • 20%

  • 35%

  • 10%

  • 25%


The lower end of capillary tube is immersed in mercury. The level of mercury in the tube is found to be 2 cm below the outer level. If the same tube is immersed in water, upto what height will the water rise in the capillary?

  • 5.9

  • 4.9

  • 2.9

  • 1.9


A capillary tube of length L and radius r is connected with another capillary tube of the same length but half the radius in series. The rate of steady volume flow of water through first capillary tube under a pressure difference of p is V. The rate of steady volume flow
through the combination will be (the pressure difference across the combination is p)

  • 17 V

  • 1617 V

  • V17

  • 1716 V 


A small spherical drop fall from rest in viscous liquid. Due to friction, heat is produced. The correct relation between the rate of production of heat and the radius of the spherical drop at terminal velocity will be

  • dHdt  1r5

  • dHdt  r4

  • dHdt  1r4

  • dHdt  r5

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