Mercury boils at 367°C. However, mercury from Class Physics Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions


A raft of wood of mass 120 kg floats in water. The weight that can be put on the raft to make it just sink should be (draft = 600 kg/m3) :

  • 80 kg

  • 50 kg

  • 60 kg

  • 30 kg


A tank is filled with water upto height H. When a hole is made at a distance h below the level of water, what will be the horizontal range of water jet?

  • 2√h(H - h)

  • 4√h(H + h)

  • 4√h(H - h)

  • 2√h(H + h)


A hollow conducting sphere is placed in an electric field produced by a point charge placed at P as shown in the figure. Let VA, VB, VC be the potentials at points A, B and C respectively. Then :

  • VC > VB

  • VB > Vc

  • VA > VB

  • VA = VC


The radius R of the soap bubble is doubled under isothermal condition. If T be the surface tension of soap bubble, the required surface energy in doing so is given by:

  • 32πR2T

  • 24πR2T

  • 8πR2T

  • 4πR2T


The surface tension of the soap solution is T. The work done in forming a soap bubble of radius r, is :

  • 8πr2T

  • 4πr2T

  • 43πr2T

  • 83πr2T


A wooden block is taken to the bottom of a deep, calm lake of water and then released. It rises up with a :

  • constant acceleration

  • decreasing aceleration

  • constant velocity

  • decreasing velocity


Mercury boils at 367°C. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature upto 500°C. This is done by:

  • maintaining vacuum above the mercury column in the stem of the thermometer

  • filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling oxygen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling nitrogen gas at low pressure above the mercury column


Given that the surface tension of water is 75 dyne/cm, its density 1 g/cc and angle of contact zero, the height to which water rises in a capillary tube of 1 mm diameter is (Take g = 10 m/s2)

  • 9.0 cm

  • 7.5 cm

  • 6.0 cm

  • 3.0 cm


Eight small drops, each of equal charges and radii are coalesce to form a big drop. The capacity of bigger drop in comparison to each smaller drop will be :

  • 4 times

  • 2 times

  • 32 times

  • 8 times


An ice-cube of density 900 kg/m3 is floating in the water of density 1000 kg/m3 The percentage of volume of the ice-cube outside the water is:

  • 20 %

  • 35 %

  • 10 %

  • 25 %

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