A wooden block is floating on water kept in a beaker, from Class Physics Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions


The surface tension and vapour pressure of water at 20°C is 7.28x10-2 Nm-1 and 2.33 x 103 Pa respectively. The radius of the smallest spherical droplet which can form without evaporating is

  • 6.25 x 10-5 m

  • 6.25 x 10-3 m

  • 7.45 x 10-3 m

  • 8.9 x 10-4 m


Air of density 1.3 kg/m3 flows horizontally with a speed 106 km/h. A house has a plane roof of area 40 m2. Find the magnitude of aerodynamic lift on the roof.

  • 4.22 × 105 N

  • 2.25 × 104 N

  • 4.22 × 103 N

  • 2.25 × 106 N


A wooden block is floating on water kept in a beaker, 40% of the block is above the water surface. Now the beaker is kept inside a lift that starts going upward with acceleration equal to g2. The block will then

  • sink

  • float with 10% above the water surface

  • float with 40% above the water surface

  • float with 70% above the water surface


The neck and bottom of a bottle are3 cm and 15 cm in radius respectively. If the cork is pressed with a force 12 N in the neck of the bottle, then force exerted on the bottom of the bottle is

  • 30 N

  • 150 N

  • 300 N

  • 600 N


A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in the figure. The distances h and l are shown there. After sometime, the coin falls into the water. Then

  • both l and h increase

  • both l and h decrease

  • l decreases and h increases

  • l increases and h decreases


By sucking through a straw, a student can reduce the pressure in his lungs to 750 mm of Hg (density 13.6 g/cm3). Using the straw, he can drink water from a glass upto a maximum depth of

  • 10 cm

  • 13.6 cm

  • 75 cm

  • 1.36 cm


Two soap bubbles A & B are kept in a closed chamber where the air is maintained at pressure 8 N/m2 . The radii of bubbles A & B are 2cm and 4cm, respectively. Surface tension of the soap water used to make bubbles is 0.04 N/m. If nA and nB are the number of moles of air in bubbles A and B, respectively, then nBnA = ?[Neglect the effect of gravity]

  • 2

  • 8

  • 9

  • 6


Surface tension of a detergent solution is 2.8 x 10-2 Nm-1. The work done in blowing a bubble of diameter 1 cm will be nearly

  • 1.24 x 10-4 J

  • 1.76 × 10-5 J

  • 1.8 × 10-3 J

  • 2.4 x 10-4 J


A boat strikes an under water rock which punctures a hole 5 cm in diameter in its hull which is 1.5 m below the water line. At what rate in litre per second does water enter.

  • 2.65 Ls-1

  • 8.85 Ls-1

  • 10.65 Ls-1

  • 624 Ls-1


Water wets the walls of its glass container due to the fact that

  • cohesive force is greater than adhesive force

  • cohesive force is equal to the adhesive force

  • adhesive force is greater than the cohesive force

  • cohesive and adhesive forces form action-reaction pair

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