A bob of mass 10 kg is attached to wire 0.3 m long. Its from Class Physics Mechanical Properties of Solids

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Solids

Multiple Choice Questions


Assertion: Stress is the internal force per unit area of a body.

Result: Rubber is more elastic than steel.

  • If both the assertion and reason are true and reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but assertion is not a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If the assertion is true but the reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


The breaking strength of a rod of diameter 2 cm is 2x 105 N. Then that for rod of same material but diameter 4 cm will be

  • 2 × 105 N

  • 1 × 105 N

  • 8 × 105 N

  • 0.5 × 105 N


A body weighs 200 N at the surface of earth. If it be placed in an artificial satellite revolving at height where acceleration due to gravity is half of that at earth's surface. It will weigh

  • 2×109 N/m2

  • 2 ×108 N/m2

  • 2×106 N/m2

  • 2× 104 N/m2


A bob of mass 10 kg is attached to wire 0.3 m long. Its breaking stress is 4.8 x107 N/m2. The area of cross-section of the wire is 10-6 m2. The maximum angular velocity with which it can be rotated in a horizontal circle is

  • 8 rad/s

  • 4 rad/s

  • 2 rad/s

  • 1 rad/s


A rubber cord 10 m long is suspended vertically. How much does it stretch under its own weight? (Density of rubber is 1500 kg/m3, Y = 5 × 108 N/m2, g = 10 m/s2)

  • 15 × 10-4 m

  • 7.5 × 10-4 m

  • 12 × 10-4 m

  • 25 × 10-4 m


A metallic rod of Young's modulus 2x1011 N/m2 undergoes a strain of 0.5%. Then the energy stored per unit volume in the rod will be

  • 2.5 × 106 J/m3

  • 5 × 108 J/m3

  • 2.5 × 108 J/m3

  • 0.5 × 1011 J/m3


A brass rod of cross-sectional area 1 cm2 and length 0.2 m is compressed lengthwise by a weight of 5 kg of Young's modulus of elasticity of brass is 1 x 1011 N/m2 and g = 10 m/s2, then increase in the energy of the rod will be

  • 10-5 J

  • 2.5 × 10-5 J

  • 5 × 10-5 J

  • 2.5 × 10-4 J


A metal wire of length l, area of cross-section A and Young's modulus Y behaves as a spring of spring constant k given by

  • k= YAl

  • k= 2YAl

  • k= YA2l

  • k= YlA


A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length Δl by applying a force F. The work done in stretching is

  • F2Δl

  • FΔl

  • 2 FΔl

  • FΔl2


The breaking stress of a wire depends upon

  • length of  the wire

  • material of the wire

  • radius of the wire

  • shape of the cross-section

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