f A = B + C have scalar magnitudes of 5, 4, 3 units from Class Physics Motion in A Plane

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NEET Physics : Motion in A Plane

Short Answer Type


A small spherical ball of mass m slides without friction from the top of a hemisphere of radius R. At what height will the ball lose contact with surface of the sphere ?

Multiple Choice Questions


A bullet on penetrating 30 cm into its target loses its velocity by 50%. What additional distance will it penetrate into the target before it comes to rest ?

  • 30 cm

  • 20 cm

  • 10 cm

  • 5 cm


A wooden block is floating on water kept in a beaker. 40% of the block is above the water surface. Now the beaker is kept inside a lift that starts going upward with acceleration equal to g/2. The block will then

  • sink

  • float with 10% above the water surface

  • float with 40% above the water surface

  • float with 70% above the water surface


A cricket ball thrown across a field is at heights h1 and h2 from the point of projection at times t1 and t2 respectively after the throw. The ball is caught by a fielder at the same height as that of projection. The time of flight of the hall in this journey is

  • h1t22 - h2t12h1t2 - h2t1

  • h1t12 + h2t22h2t1 + h1t2

  • h1t22 + h2t12h1t2 + h2t1

  • h1t12 - h2t22h1t1 - h2t2


A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity v'. It reaches up to a maximum height of 3v24g with respect to the initial position. The object is

  • ring

  • solid sphere

  • hollow sphere

  • disc


A particle is projected from the ground with a kinetic energy E at an angle of 60° with the horizontal. Its kinetic energy at the highest point of its motion will be

  • E/2

  • E/2

  • E/4

  • E/8


f A = B + C have scalar magnitudes of 5, 4, 3 units respectively, then the angle between A and C is

  • cos-1 (3/5)

  • cos-1 (4/5)

  • π/2

  • sin-1 (3/4)


The velocity of a projectile at the initial point A is (2i + 3j) m/s. Its velocity (in m/s) at point B is


  • − 2i − 3j

  • − 2i + 3j

  • 2i − 3j

  • 2i + 3j


Given A = 2 i^ + 3 j^ and B = i^ + j^. The component of vector A along vector B is

  • 12

  • 32

  • 52

  • 72


Consider three vectors A = i^ + j^ - 2k^B = i^ - j^ + k^ and C = 2i^ - 3j^ + 4k^. A vector X of the form αA + βB (α and β are numbers) is perpendicular to C. The ratio of α and β is

  • 1 : 1

  • 2 : 1

  • − 1 : 1

  • 3 : 1

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