When a proton is released from rest in a room, it from Class Physics Moving Charges And Magnetism

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NEET Physics : Moving Charges And Magnetism

Multiple Choice Questions


A magnetic needle is placed in a uniform magnetic field and is aligned with the field. The needle is now rotated by an angle of 60° and the work done is W. The torque on the magnetic needle at this position is

  • 23 W

  • 3 W

  • 32 W

  • 34 W


A current loop in a magnetic field

  • experiences a torque whether the field is uniform or non- uniform in all orientations

  • can be in equilibrium in one orientations

  • can be equilibrium in two orientations, both the equilibrium states are unstable

  • can be in equilibrium in two orientations, one stable while the other is unstable


The ratio of magnetic field and magnetic moment at the centre of a current carrying circular loop is x. When both the current and radius is doubled the ratio will be

  • x/8

  • x/4

  • x/2

  • 2x


A bar magnet of length l and magnetic dipole moment M is bent in the form of an arc as shown in figure. The new magnetic dipole moment will be


  • M

  • 3π M

  • 2π M

  • M2

Short Answer Type


An electron is moving with velocity 2 i^ + 2 j^ m/s in an electric field of intensity E = i^ + 2 j^ - 8 k^ volt/m and a magnetic field of B = 2 j^ + 3 k^ tesla. Find the magnitude of force on the electron.

Multiple Choice Questions


A galvanometer having internal resistance 10 Ω requires 0.01 A for a full scale deflection. To convert this galvanometer to a voltmeter of full-scale deflection at 120 V, we need to connect a resistance of

  • 11990 Ω in series

  • 11990 Ω in parallel

  • 12010 Ω in series

  • 12010 Ω in parallel


A straight wire of length 2 m carries a current of 10 A. If this wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.15 T making an angle of 45° with the magnetic field, the applied force on the wire will be

  • 1.5 N

  • 3 N

  • 32 N

  • 32 N


Current through ABC and A' B'C' is I. What is the magnetic field at P ? BP = PB' = r (Here C' B' PBC are collinear)

  • B = 14π 2Ir

  • B = μ04π 2Ir

  • B = μ04π Ir

  • Zero


When a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration a0 towards west. When it is projected towards north with a speed v0 it moves with an initial acceleration 3a0 towards west. The electric and magnetic fields in the room are

  • ma0e west, 2ma0ev0 up

  • ma0e west, 2ma0ev0 down

  • ma0e east, 3ma0ev0 up

  • ma0e east, 3ma0ev0 down


The magnetic field at the point of intersection of diagonals of a square wire loop of side L carrying a current I is

  • μ0IπL

  • 2μ0IπL

  • 2 μ0IπL

  • 22 μ0IπL

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