Fission of nuclei is possible because the binding from Class Physics Nuclei

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


In the reaction,H12 +H13  He24 + n01 if the binding energies of H12,   13H  and   He24 are respectively a, b and c (in MeV), then the energy in this reaction is released in this reaction is

  • c + a - b

  • c - a - b

  • a + b + c

  • a +b - c


The half-life of a radioactive substance is 3.6 days. How much of 20 mg of this radioactive substance will remain after 36 days?

  • 0.0019 mg

  • 1.019 mg

  • 1.109 mg

  • 0.019 mg


In radioactive decay process, the negatively charged emitted -particles are 

  • the electrons present inside the nucleus

  • the electrons produced as a result of the decay of neutrons inside the nucleus

  • the electrons produced as a result of collisions between atoms

  • the electrons orbiting around the nucleus


In the reaction given below A22286  B21084. How many α and β particles are emitted?


  • 6α, 3β

  • 3α, 4β

  • 4α, 3β

  • 3α,6β


If the energy released in the fission of one nucleus is 3.2x10-11J, then number of nuclei required per second in a power plant of 16 kW is

  • 0.5×1014

  • 0.5×1012

  • 5×1012

  • 5×1014


Two radioactive substances A and B have decay constants 5 λ and λ respectively. At t = 0 they have the same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of nuclei of A to those of B will be 1e2 after a time interval

  • 14λ

  • 12λ


The phenomenon of radioactivity is :

  • exothermic change which increases or decreases with  temperature

  • increases on applied pressure

  • nuclear process does not depend on external factors

  • none of the above


Fission of nuclei is possible because the binding energy per nucleon in them

  • increases with mass number at high mass numbers

  • decreases with mass number at high mass numbers

  • increases with mass number at low mass numbers 

  • decreases with mass number at low mass numbers


If an electron has orbital angular momentum quantum number l =7 then it will have an orbital angular momentum equal to 

  • 56h2π

  • 57h2π

  • 42h2π

  • 7h2π


In any fission process the ratio Mass of parent nucleusMass of fission products is

  • less than 1

  • greater than 1

  • greater than 1

  • depends on the mass of parent nucleus

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