Assertion:  For nuclear reactor, it is desirable from Class Physics Nuclei

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


Assertion:  For nuclear reactor, it is desirable to have k = 1.

Reason: Sustained chain reaction occur at this critical condition.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Assertion: Mass defect in nuclear reactions is less than 1%.

Reason: In nuclear reaction change in BE/N is generally less than 1%.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of asertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is not correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


The ratio of the masses of the elements having their nuclear radii 2 fermi and 1 fermi

  • 8

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Among the following which is used to control the rate of reaction of nuclear fissions reactions?

  • Water

  • Heavy water

  • Cadmium

  • Graphite


A proton travels few distance in an electric field, then it enters a crossed magnetic field of 1 T and radius 0.2 m, find the velocity of proton

  • 0.2 × 108 m s-1

  • 0.2 ×  107 m s-1

  • 0.2 ×  106 m s-1

  • 2 ×  107 m s-1


The nucleus  Xnm emits one α  particle and 2β- particles. The resulting nucleus is

  • Yn-2m-4

  • Zn-4m-6

  • Znm-6

  • Xnm-4


Assertion:  More energy is released in fusion than fission. 

Reason:  More number of nucleons take part in fission.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Asserion: γ-radiation emission occurs after α and β decay.

Reason: Energy levels occurs in nucleus.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


S32 absorbs energy and decays into which element after two α-emissions?

  • Carbon

  • Aluminium

  • Oxygen

  • magnesium


For a nuclear reactor to run in critical condition the reproduction factor k should be

  • = 1

  • > 1

  • < 1

  • >>> 1

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