If r1 and r2  are the radii of the atomic nuclei from Class Physics Nuclei

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


The activity of a radioactive sample decreases to
(1/3)rd of its original value in 3 days. Then, in 9 days its activity will become

  • (1/27) of the original value

  • (1/9) of the original value

  • (1/18) of the original value

  • (1/3) of the original value


Radioactive nuclei that are injected into a patient collect at certain sites within its body, undergoing radioactive decay and emitting electromagnetic radiation. These radiations can then be recorded by a detector. This procedure provides an important diagnostic tool called

  • gamma camera

  • CAT scan

  • radiotracer technique

  • gamma ray spectrosccopy


Assertion:  Quasar emits radiowaves more than radio galaxy. 

Reason:  Quasar has very small size

  • If both the assertion and reason are true and reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but assertion is not a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If the assertion is true but the reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


In a material medium, when a positron meets an electron both the particles annihilate leading to the emission of two gamma ray photons. This process forms the basis of an important diagnostic procedure called 

  • MRI

  • PET

  • CAT



Assertion: Radioactive nuclei emit  β- particles.

Reason: Electrons exist inside the nucleus.

  • if both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion

  • if both assertion and reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion

  • if assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false statements


Assertion: Neutrons penetrate matter more readily as compared to protons.

Reason: Neutrons are slightly more massive than protons.

  • if both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion

  • if both assertion and reason are true and the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • if assertion is true but reason is false

  • if both assertion and reason are false statements


Mass of the proton is 1840 times that of electron. It is accelerated through a potential difference of 1V. Find its kinetic energy.

  • 6 eV

  • 2 eV

  • 10 eV

  • 1 eV


A certain radioactive element has a half-life of 20 years. If we have a block with 10 g of the element in it, after how many years will there be just 2.5 g of the element in the block?

  • 80 years

  • 40 years

  • 100 years

  • 60 years


A radioactive element forms its own isotope after 3 consecutive disintegrations. The particles emitted are

  • 3 β-particles

  • 2 β-particles and 1α-particle

  • 2 -βparticles and 1 γ-particle

  • 2 α-particles and 1 β-particle


If r1 and r2  are the radii of the atomic nuclei of mass numbers 64 and 125 respectively, then the ratio (r1/r2) is

  • 64/125

  • 64125

  • 5/4

  • 4/5

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