A body of mass 60 kg is suspended by means of  from Class Physics Oscillations

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NEET Physics : Oscillations

Multiple Choice Questions


A pan with a set of weights is attached to a light spring. The period of vertical oscillation is 0.5s. When some additional weights are put in pan, then the period of oscillations increases by 0.1 s. The extension caused by the additional weight is

  • 5.5 cm

  • 3.8 cm

  • 2.7 cm

  • 1.3 cm


The angular amplitude of simple pendulum is θo. The maximum tension in its string will be

  • mg ( 1 - θ0 )

  • mg ( 1 + cosθ0)

  • mg ( 1 - cos)

  • mg ( 1 + cos)


A particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions along X-axis while other is along a line making angle 45° with the X-axis. The two motions are given by   x = x0 sin ωt  and  s =s0 sin ωt. The amplitude of resultant motion is 

  • x0 + s0 + 2x0s0

  • x02 + s02

  • x02 - s02 + 2x0 s0

  • x02 + s02 + 2 x0 s012


A mass of 1 kg is suspended from a spring of force constant 400 N, executing SHM total energy of the body is 2J, then maximum acceleration of the spring will be

  • 4 m/s2

  • 40 m/s2

  • 200 m/s2

  • 400 m/s2


The displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by y = 0.25 sin200t cm. The maximum speed of the particle is

  • 200 cm s-1

  • 100 cm s-1

  • 50 cm s-1

  • 5.25 cm s-1


A body of mass 60 kg is suspended by means of three strings P Q and R as shown in the figure is in equilibrium. The tension in the string P is


  • 130.9 g N

  • 60 g N

  • 50 g N

  • 103.9 g N


A particle is describing simple harmonic motion. If its velocities are v1 and v2 when the displacements from the mean position are y1 and y2 respectively, then its time period is

  • 2π y12 + y22v12 + v22

  • 2π v22 - v12y12 - y22

  • 2π v12 + v22y12 + y22

  • 2π y12  - y22v22 - v12


The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is θ0. The maximum tension in its string will be

  • mg (1 - θ0)

  • mg (1 + θ0 )

  • mg 1- θ02

  • mg 1 + θ02


Assertion:  A particle in x-y plane is related by   x = α sin t and  y =  α (l - cos t), where α and ω are constants, then the particle will have parabolic motion.

Reason:  A particle under the influence of two perpendicular velocities has parabolic motion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Vibrations of rope tied by two rigid ends shown by equation y = cos 2πt sin2πx, then minimum length of the rope will be

  • 1 m

  • 12m

  • 5 m

  • 2πm

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