If length of a simple pendulum increases by 300%, then from Class Physics Oscillations

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NEET Physics : Oscillations

Multiple Choice Questions


A particle of mass 10 g is executing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 0.5 m and periodic time of (π/ 5) second. The maximum value of the force acting on the particle is

  • 25 N

  • 5 N

  • 2.5 N

  • 0.5 N


A mass of 10 g moving horizontally with a velocity of 100 cm/s strikes a pendulum bob of mass 10 g. The two masses stick together. The maximum height reached by the system now is (g = 10 m/s2)

  • zero

  • 5 cm

  • 2.5 cm

  • 1.25 cm


A body executes simple harmonic motion under the action of force F1 with a time period 45s. If the force is changed to F2 it executes simple harmonic motion with time period 35 s.If both forces F1 and F2 act simultaneously in the same direction on the body, its time period will be

  • 1225 s

  • 2425 s

  • 3524 s

  • 1512 s


A simple pendulum of length l has a maximum angular displacement Q. The maximum kinetic energy of the bob is

  • mgl (1 - cosθ)

  • 0.5 mgl

  • mgl

  • 2 mgl


A mass m is suspended from the two springs ofspring constants k1 and k2 as shown. The time period of vertical oscillations of the mass will be


  • 2πk1 + k2m

  • 2π mk1 + k2

  • 2πm k1 k2k1 + k2

  • 2πm k1 + k2k1 k2


If length of a simple pendulum increases by 300%, then its time period increases by

  • 100 %

  • 200 %

  • 300 %

  • 400 %


A lift is ascending with an acceleration g3 . A simple pendulum suspended from its ceiling oscillates with a period T. The period of oscillation of pendulum when the lift is stationary will be

  • 13 T

  • T

  • 2 T

  • 23 T


Potential energy of a particle at a distance x from mean position, which is executing simple harmonic motion

  • 12 2x2

  • zero

  • m2ωx

  • 12 m2ω2x2


The period of vibration of a mass m suspended from a spring is 2 s. If along with it  another mass of 2 kg is also suspended, the period of oscillation increases by ls. The mass m will be

  • 2 kg

  • 1 kg

  • 1.6 kg

  • 2.6 kg


A man measure time period of a pendulum (T) in stationary lift. If the lift moves upward with acceleration g /4, then new time period will be

  • 25 T

  • 52 T

  • 5 T2

  • 2 T5

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