Two massless springs of force constants k1 and k2 are from Class Physics Oscillations

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NEET Physics : Oscillations

Multiple Choice Questions


A particle starts SHM from the mean position. Its amplitude is a and total energy E. At one instant its kinetic energy is 3 E4 · Its displacement at that instant is

  • a2

  • a2

  • a32

  • a3


A spring of force constant k is cut into three equal parts. The force constant of each part would be

  • k3

  • 3k

  • k

  • 2k


Two springs are joined and attached to a mass of 16 kg. The system is then suspended vertically from a rigid support. The spring constant of the two springs are k1  and k2 respectively. The period of vertical oscillations of the system will be

  • 18πk1 + k2

  • 8π k1 + k2k1k2

  • π2k1 - k2

  • π2k1k2


A particle is executing linear simple harmonic motion of amplitude A. At what displacement is the energy of the particle half potential and half kinetic ?

  • A4

  • A2

  • A2

  • A3


A spring of force constant k is cut into two equal halves.  The force constant of each half is

  • k2

  • k

  • k2

  • 2k


The time period of the second's hand of a watch is

  • 1 h

  • 1 s

  • 12 h

  • 1 min


Two massless springs of force constants k1 and k2 are joined end to end. The resultant force constant k of the system is

  • k = k1 + k2k1k2

  • k = k1 - k2k1k2

  • k = k1k2k1 + k2

  • k = k1k2k1 - k2


A particle of mass m is attached to three identical massless springs of spring constant k as shown in the figure. The time period of vertical oscillation of the particle is


  • 2πmk

  • 2πm2k

  • 2πm3k

  • πmk


Two identical springs are connected to mass m as shown (k = spring constant). If the period of the configuration in (a) is 2s, the period of the configuration in (b) is


  • 2 s

  • 1 s

  • 12 s 

  • 22 s


A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 2 cm. When the particle is at 1 cm from the mean position the magnitude of its velocity is equal to that of its acceleration . Then its time period in second is

  • 12 π3

  • 2 π3

  • 2 π3

  • 32π

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