n-type semiconductor is from Class Physics Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

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NEET Physics : Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

Multiple Choice Questions


The energy band gap is maximum in

  • metals

  • superconductors

  • insulators

  • semiconductors


In a full wave rectifier, input AC current has a frequency v. The output frequency of current is

  • v2

  • v

  • 2 v

  • None of these


For a triode valve µ = 50, ΔVg = 0.2 V, then value of ΔVp is

  • 5 V

  • 10 V

  • 0.2 V

  • 50 V


n-type semiconductor is

  • positive charged

  • neutral

  • negatively charged

  • None of the above


A transistor is used in common emitter mode as an  amplifier, then

  • the base emitter junction is forward unbiased

  • the base emitter junction is reverse biased

  • the input signal is connected in series with the voltage applied to bias of the base emitter junction

  • the input signal is connected in series with the voltage applied to bias the emitter collector junction


To get an output Y =1 from circuit of figure, the input must be


  • A = 0, B = 1, C = 0

  • A = 0, B = 0, C = 1

  • A = 1, B = 0, C = 0

  • A = 1, B = 0, C = 1


In a transistor circuit, the base current changes from 30 µA to 90 µA. If the current gain of the transistor is 30%, the change in the collector current is

  • 4 mA

  • 2 mA

  • 3.5 mA

  • 1.8 mA


Two identical p-n junctions may be connected in series with a battery in three ways as shown in the figure.

The potential drops across the two n-p junctions are equal in

  • circuit 1 and circuit 2

  • circuit 2 and circuit 3

  • circuit 3 and circuit 1

  • circuit 1 only


If dopping in the P region is high, then N region

  • depletion layer will be more towards P

  • depletion layer will be more towards N

  • depletion layer will remain unchanged

  • None of the above


A full wave rectifier circuit along with the output is shown in the figure. The contribution (s) from the diode 1 is ( are )

  • C

  • A , C

  • B , D

  • A, B , C , D

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