A particle moves in a circle of radius 5 cm with from Class Physics System of Particles and Rotational Motion

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NEET Physics : System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Multiple Choice Questions


Two persons of masses 55 kg and 65 kg respectively. are at the opposite ends of the boat. The length of the boat is 3.0 m and weigh 100 kg. The 55 kg man walks to the 65 kg man and sits with him. If the boat is in still water the centre of mass of the system shifts by

  • 3.0 m

  • 2.3 m

  • zero

  • zero


ABC is an equilateral triangle with O as its centre F1, F2 and F3 represent three forces acting on the sides AB, BC and AC respectively. If the total torque about O zero then the magnitude of F3 is

  • F1 +F2

  • F1 - F2

  • F1 +F2/2

  • F1 +F2/2


A rod PQ of mass M and length L is hinged at end P. The rod is kept horizontal by a massless string tied to point Q as shown in the figure. When a string is cut, the initial angular acceleration of the rod is,

  • 3g / 2L

  • g/L

  • 2g/L

  • 2g/L


A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity v'. It reaches up to a maximum height of fraction numerator 3 straight v squared over denominator 4 straight g end fraction with respect to the initial position. The object is,

  • ring

  • solid sphere

  • hollow sphere

  • hollow sphere


A particle moves in a circle of radius 5 cm with constant speed and time period 0.2 πs. The acceleration of the particle is 

  • 25 m/s2

  • 36 m/s2

  • 5 m/s2

  • 5 m/s2


The instantaneous angular position of a point on a rotation wheel is given by the equation 

Q(t)  = 2t3 - 6t2

The torque on the wheel becomes zero at

  • t = 0.5 s 

  • t = 0.25 s

  • t = 2s

  • t = 2s


The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of mass M  and length L about an axis passing through its mid - point and perpendicular to its length is Io. Its moment of inertia about an axis passing through one of its ends and perpendicular to its length is

  • Io + ML2/4

  • Io + 2ML2

  • Io + ML2

  • Io + ML2


A body of mass M hits normally a rigid wall with velocity v and bounces back with the same velocity. The impulse experienced by the body is 

  • 1.5 Mv

  • 2 Mv

  • zero

  • zero


An automobile moves on a road with a speed of 54 km h-1. The radius of its wheels is 0.45 m and the moment of inertia of the wheel about its axis of rotation is 3 kg m2 . If the vehicle is brought to rest in 15 s, the magnitude of average torque transmitted by its breaks to the wheel is

  • 6.66 kg m2s-2

  • 8.58 kg m2s-2

  • 10.86 kg m2s-2

  • 10.86 kg m2s-2

20. straight A space force space straight F space equals space straight alpha stack space straight i with hat on top space plus space 3 space straight j with hat on top space plus space 6 space straight k with hat on top space is space acting space at space straight a space point space straight r equals space 2 straight i with hat on top space minus space 6 space straight j with hat on top space minus 12 space straight k with hat on top. The value of α for which angular momentum about origin is conserved is
  • -1

  • 2

  • zero

  • zero

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