A solid sphere is set into motion on a rough  from Class Physics System of Particles and Rotational Motion

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NEET Physics : System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Multiple Choice Questions


The working principle of a ball point pen is

  • Bernoulli's theorem

  • surface tension

  • gravity

  • viscosity


Progressive waves are represented by the equation y1 = a sin (ωt - x )  and y2 = bcos (ωt - x ).  The phase difference wave is

  • 0o

  • 45o

  • 90o

  • 180o


Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring of spring constant k. The block of mass m2 is given a sharp empulse so that it acquires a velocity vtowards right. Find the maximum elongation that the spring will suffer.


  • m1 m2m1 + m212 v0

  • m1 + m2m1 -  m2 v0

  • m1 + m2m1 - m212 v0 

  • 2m1 + m2m1 m212 v0


Match the following
Angular momentum 1. [M-1 L2 T-2 ]
B. Torque 2 [M1 L2 T-2
C. Gravitational constant 3.[M1 L2 T-2]
D. Tension 4.[M1 L2 T-1]

  • C- 2, D - 1

  • A - 4, B - 3

  • A - 3, C -2

  • B-2, A - 1


A tangential force acting on the top of sphere of mass m kept on a rough horizontal place as shown in figure


If the sphere rolls without slipping, then the acceleration with which the centre of sphere moves, is

  • 10 F7 m

  • F2 m

  • 3 F7 m

  • 7 F2 m


A wheel of radius 0.4 m can rotate freely about its axis as shown in the figure. A string is wrapped over its rim and a mass of 4 kg is hung. An angular acceleration of 8 rad-s-2 produced in it due to the torque. Then, moment of inertia of the wheel is (g =10 ms-2 )

  • 2 kg-m2

  • 1 kg-m2

  • 4 kg-m2

  • 8 kg-m2


If applied torque on a system is zero, i.e.,Τ = 0 , then for that system

  • ω = 0

  • α = 0

  • J = 0

  • F = 0


An object start sliding on a frictionless inclined plane and from same height another object start falling freely.

  • both will reach with same speed

  • both will reach with same acceleration

  • both will reach in same time

  • None of the above


Two rigid bodies A and B rotate with rotational kinetic energies E, and E, respectively. The moments of inertia of A and B about the axis of rotation are IA and IB respectively.

If IA = IB2 and  EA = 100 = EB, the ratio of angular momentum (LA ) of A to the angular  momentum ( LB ) of B is

  • 25

  • 5/4

  • 5

  • 1/4


A solid sphere is set into motion on a rough horizontal surface with a linear speed v in the forward direction and an angular speed vR in the anticlockwise direction as shown in figure. Find the linear speed of the sphere when it stops rotating and ω = vR


  • 3v5

  • 2 v5

  • 4 v3

  • 7 v3

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