A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron from Class Physics System of Particles and Rotational Motion

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NEET Physics : System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Multiple Choice Questions


A system consists of two point masses M and m (< M). The centre of mass of the system is

  • at the middle of m and M

  • nearer to M

  • nearer to m

  • at the position of large mass


If the equation for the displacement of a particle moving on a circular path is given by θ = 2 t3+ 0.5, where θ is in radian and t in second, then the angular velocity of the particle after 2 s from its start is

  • 8 rad/s

  • 12 rad/s

  • 24 rad/s

  • 36 rad/s


The centre of mass of three particles of mass m= 1.0 kg, m2 = 2.0 kg, and m3 = 3.0 kg at the corners of an equilateral triangle 1.0 m on a side, as shown in figure


  • 712m, 34m

  • 512m, 35m

  • 513m, 35m

  • 812m, 35m


If we made half the radius of earth, then duration of day will become

  • 6 h

  • 12 h

  • 24 h

  • 3 h


Sphere, disc and ring are allowed to roll down on an inclined plane from its top, then order in which they reach at the bottom will be

  • ring, disc, sphere

  • sphere, disc, ring

  • disc, ring, sphere

  • sphere, ring, disc


Angular velocity of second hand of a clock is

  • π30 rad/s

  • π60 rad/s

  • π15 rad/s

  • π2 rad/s


If the earth is treated as a sphere of radius R and mass M, its angular momentum about the axis of rotation with time period T is

  • πMR2T

  • MR2T2π

  • 2πMR2T

  • 4πMR25T


Two perfectly elastic particles A and B of equal masses travelling along the line joining, them with velocity 15 m/s and 20 m/s respectively collide. Their velocities after the elastic collision will be (in m/s) respectively.

  • 0 and 25

  • 5 and 20

  • 10 and 15

  • 20 and 15


A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t, and another disc Y of radius 4R is made from an iron plate of thickness t/4. Then the relation between the moments of inertia IX and IY is

  • IY = 321X

  • IY = 161X

  • IY = IX

  • IY = 641X


The moments of inertia of two freely rotating bodies A and B are IA and IB respectively IA > IB and their angular momenta are equal. If KA and KB are their kinetic energies then

  • KA = KB

  • KA > KB

  • KA < KB

  • KA = 2 KB

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