In a cyclic process, work done by the system is from Class Physics Thermodynamics

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NEET Physics : Thermodynamics

Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not a state function?

  • Work-done in adiabatic process.

  • Work done in isothermal process.

  • Heat at constant pressure.

  • Heat at constant volume.


What is the slope for an isothermal process?

  • PV

  • - PV

  • Zero


Ina cylinder their are 60 g Ne and 64 g O2, If pressure of mixture of gases in cylinder is 30 bar then in this cylinder partial pressure of O2 is (in bar)

  • 30

  • 20

  • 15

  • 12


Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas is



One mole of oxygen of volume 1 litre at 4 atm pressure lo attains 1 atm pressure by result of isothermal expansion. Find work done by the gas.

  • ≈ 155 J

  • ≈ 206 J

  • ≈ 355 J

  • ≈ 552 J


In a cyclic process, work done by the system is

  • zero

  • more than the heat given to the system

  • equal to heat given to the system

  • independent of heat given to system


An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A → B → C → A, as shown in figure. If the net heat supplied to the gas in the cycle is  5 J  the work done by the gas in the process A → B is

  • 2 J

  • 3 J

  • 4 J

  • 5 J


The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by CP and  CV respectively.  If  γ = CPCV and R is then CV universal gas constant, then CV is equal to

  • γ - 1R

  • γR

  • 1 + γ1 - γ

  • Rγ - 1


A gas mixture contain one mole O2 gas and one mole He gas. Find the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume of the gaseous mixture

  • 2

  • 1.5

  • 2.5

  • 4


Conversion of water to steam is accompanied by which process?

  • Adiabatic

  • Isothermal

  • Isochoric

  • Cyclic

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