Ten moles of an ideal gas at constant temperature 500 K from Class Physics Thermodynamics

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NEET Physics : Thermodynamics

Multiple Choice Questions


Consider two containers P and Q containing identical gases at same temperature, pressure and volume. The gas in container P is compressed to half of its original volume isothermally while the gas in container Q is compressed to half of its original value adibatically. The ratio of final pressure of gas is

  • 2γ-1

  • 12γ-1

  • 11 - γ2

  • 1γ - 12


A refrigerator is driven by 1000 W electric motor having an efficiency of 60%. The refrigerator is considered as a reversible heat engine operating between 273 K and 303 K. Time required by it to freeze 32.5 kg of water at 0°C is. (Given, latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 × 103 J-kg-1 and heat lost may be neglected).

  • 53 min 20 s

  • 33 min 20 s

  • 48 min 40 s

  • 28 min 32 s


Work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically and in this process the temperature ofthe gas increases by 7° C. The gas is (R = 8.3 J mol-1 K-1 )

  • diatomic

  • triatomic

  • a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic

  • monoatomic


Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated closed chamber. As the gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion, the average time of collision between molecules increases to Vq , where V is the volume of the gas. The value of q is where γ = CpCV

  • 3γ + 56

  • 3γ - 56

  • γ + 12

  • γ - 12


An ideal heat engine exhausting heat at 27° C is to have 25% efficiency. It must take heat at

  • 127 °C

  • 227° C

  •  327° C

  • None of these


Two spherical soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 in vacuum combine under isothermal conditions. The resulting bubble has a radius equal to

  • r1 + r22

  • r1r2r1 + r2

  • r1r2

  • r12 + r22 


The pressure and density of a diatomic gas γ = 75 change adiabatically from (P1 , ρ1) to (P2 , ρ2) . If ρ2ρ1 = 32 , then P2P1 should be

  • 16

  • 32

  • 64

  • 128


One mole of an ideal gas at an initial temperature of T K does 6R joules of work adiabatically. If the ratio of specific heats of this gas at constant pressure and at constant volume is 5/3, then final temperature of the gas will be

  • (T − 4) K

  • (T + 4) K

  • (T − 2.4)K

  • (T + 2.4) K


According to first law of thermodynamics

  • energy is conserved

  • mass is conserved

  • heat is constant in isothermal process

  • heat neither enters nor leaves system


Ten moles of an ideal gas at constant temperature 500 K is compressed from 50 L to 5 L. Work done in the process is (Given, R = 8.31 J-mol-1 - K-1 )

  • - 1.2 x 104 J

  • - 2.4 x 104 J

  • - 4.8 x 10J

  • - 9.6 x 104 J

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