A 4 kg block is suspended from the ceiling of an from Class Physics Waves

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NEET Physics : Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


Linear density of a string of is 1.3 x 10-4 kg/m and wave equation is y = 0.021 sin (x + 30t ), Find, the tension in the string where, x in metre and t in second

  • 0.12 N

  • 0.21 N

  • 1.2 N

  • 0.012 N


A transverse wave is represented by the equation   y = yo sin 2πλ vt - k.  For what value of λ  is the particle velocity equal to two times the wave velocity 

  • λ = π yo

  • λ = π yo2

  • λ = π yo3

  • λ = 2π i yo


A bat emitting an ultrasonic wave of frequency 4.5 x 10' Hz at speed of 6 m/s between two parallel walls. The two frequencies heared by the bat will be

  • 4.67 x 104 Hz, 4.34 x 104 Hz

  • 4.34 x 104 Hz, 4.67 x 104 Hz

  • 4.5 x 104 Hz, 5.4 x 104 Hz

  • 4.67 x 103 Hz, 4.34 x 104 Hz


When a stretched wire and a tuning fork are sounded together, 5  beats per second are produced, when length of wire is  95 cm or 100 cm, frequency of the fork is

  • 90 Hz

  • 100 Hz

  • 105 Hz

  • 195 Hz


Figure shows spring + block + pulley system which are light. The time period of mass would be


  • 2π km

  • 12πkm

  • 2πmk

  • 12π mk


A wave packet with center frequency ω is propagating in dispersive medium with phase velocity of 1.5 x 103 m/s. When the frequency ω is increased by 2%, the phase velocity is found to decrease by 3 %. What is group velocity of the wave packet?

  • 0.25 × 103 m/s

  • 1.0 × 103 m/s

  • 0.6 × 103 m/s

  • 0.75 × 103 m/s


A sound source producing waves of frequency 300 Hz and wavelength lm observer is stationary, while source is going away with the velocity 30 m is, then apparent frequency heared by the observer is

  • 270 Hz

  • 273 Hz

  • 383 Hz

  • 300Hz


A 4 kg block is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator through a spring having a linear mass density of 19.2 x 10-3 kg m-3 . Find the speed with respect to spring with which a wave pulse can proceed on the spring if the elevator accelerates up at the rate of 2.0 ms-2.
Take g = 10 ms-2

  • 30 m/s

  • 42 m/s

  • 46 m/s

  • 50 m/s


When an open organ is dipped in water upto half of its height, then its frequency will become

  • half

  • double

  • remain same

  • four time


An observer is approaching with velocity v towards a light source. If the velocity of light is c, then velocity of light with respect to observer will be

  • c - v

  • c

  • c + v

  • 1 - v2c2

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