A body of mass m is moving towards the east and another from Class Physics Work, Energy and Power

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NEET Physics : Work, Energy and Power

Multiple Choice Questions


Two bodies of masses m and 2 m have equal kinetic energies. The ratio of their linear momenta is :

  • 1

  • 1/2

  • 1/2

  • 2


A ball falling freely from a height of 4.9 m/s hits a horizontal surface. If e = ¾, then the ball will hit the surface second time after:

  • 0.5 s

  • 1.5 s

  • 3.5 s

  • 3.4 s


A body of mass 1 kg is moving in a vertical circular path of radius 1 m. The difference between the kinetic energies at its highest and lowest position is :

  • 20 J

  • 10 J

  • 45 J

  • 10(5 - 1) J


A ball of mass m elastically collides with a wall with velocity 'v', then change in its momentum is equal to :

  • 2m

  • 2mv

  • + 8mv

  • Zero


Hailstone at 0°C falls from a height of 1 km on an insulating surface converting the whole of its kinetic energy into heat. What part of it will melt? (g = 10 m/s2)

  • 1/33

  • 1/8

  • 13 × 10-4

  • All of it will melt


When a man increases his speed by 2 m/s, he finds that his kinetic energy is doubled, the original speed of the man is :

  • 2(2 - 1) m/s

  • 2(2 + 1) m/s

  • 4.5 m/s

  • none of these


Two springs of force constant 1000 N/m and 2000 N/m are stretched by same, force. The ratio of their respective potential energies is

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 4 : 1

  • 1 : 4


A particle rests on the top of a hemisphere of radius R. Find the smallest horizontal velocity that must be imparted to the particle, if it is to leave the hemisphere without sliding down it.

  • gR

  • 2gR

  • 3gR

  • 5gR


A body of mass m is moving towards the east and another body of equal mass is moving towards the north. If after collision both stick together, their speed after collision would be :

  • v

  • v/2

  • 2v

  • v2


Two bodies A and B have masses M and m respectively, where M > m and they are at a distance d apart. Equal force is applied to them so that they approach each other. The position where they hit each other is

  • nearer to B

  • nearer to A

  • at equal distance from A and B

  • Cannot be predicted

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