(a) Mention the cause and the body system affected by ADA deficiency in humans.
(b) Name the vector used for transferring ADA-DNA into the recipient cells in humans. Name the recipient cells.(a) Name the group of viruses responsible for causing AIDS in humans. Why are these viruses so named?
(b) List any two ways of transmission of HIV infection in humans, other than sexual contact.
a) AIDS is caused by the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV), a member of a group of viruses called retroviruses. These viruses are called retrovirus because they consist of RNA genome enclosed by the envelope which is capable forming DNA from RNA by the process of reverse transcription inside the host cell.
(b) Other than sexual contact, transmission of HIV infection in humans could also occur by
(1) Transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products
(2) From infected mother to her child through placenta.
(a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a nucleosome.
(b) Mention what enables histones to acquire a positive charge.