


CBSE Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Write one difference between α -helix and β -pleated structures of proteins.


Why is bithional added to soap?


What is tincture of iodine? Write its one use.


Among the following, which one acts as a food preservative?
Aspartame, Aspirin, Sodium Benzoate, Paracetamol


Shyam went to a grocery shop to purchase some food items. The shopkeeper packed all the items in polythene bags and gave them to Shyam. But Shyam refused to accept the polythene bags and asked the shopkeeper to pack the items in paper bags. He informed the shopkeeper about the heavy penalty imposed by the government for using polythene bags. The shopkeeper promised that he would use paper bags in future in place of polythene bags.

Answer the following :

(a) Write the values (at least two) shown by Shyam

(b) Write one structural difference between low-density polythene and high-density polythene.

(c) Why did Shyam refuse to accept the items in polythene bags?

(d) What is a biodegradable polymer ? Give an example


Write the reactions involved in the following :

Hofmann bromamide degradation reaction


Write the reactions involved in the following :



Write the reactions involved in the following :

Gabriel phthalimide synthesis



Give reasons:
(CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in an aqueous solution.

The order of basic strength of aliphatic amines in the aqueous phase is based on the following factors:

Steric factor: Alkyl group is larger than hydrogen atom that causes steric hindrance to attack of acid. As the number of alkyl group increases from primary to tertiary. The steric hindrance also increases in the same direction.

Solvation of ions: when amines are dissolved in water, they form hydrogen bonds with a water molecule and release hydration energy; in the process converting themselves to the protonated amines to get stabilized. Greater the extent of hydrogen bonding, greater is the hydration energy released and more is the stability of the protonated amine; thus greater is the tendency of the amine to form cation leading to the greater basic strength of the amine. So, the actual order of basic strength in the aqueous phase is found to be:

Secondary > Tertiary > Primary

Therefore, secondary amines are the strongest base in aqueous solution.


Give reasons:

Aromatic diazonium salts are more stable than aliphatic diazonium salts.
