Define a class RING in Python with following specifications
Instance Attributes
- RingID # Numeric value with a default value 101
- Radius # Numeric value with a default value 10
- Area # Numeric value
- AreaCal() # Method to calculate Area as
# 3.14*Radius*Radius
- NewRing() # Method to allow user to enter values of
# RingID and Radius. It should also
# Call AreaCal Method
- ViewRing() # Method to display all the Attributes 4
Differentiate between static and dynamic binding in Python? Give the suitable example of each.
Write two methods in Python using the concept of Function Overloading (Polymorphism) to perform the following operations:
(i) A function having one argument as side, to calculate Area of Square as side*side
(ii) A function having two arguments as Length and Breadth, to calculate Area of Rectangle as Length*Breadth.
What will be the status of the following list after the First, Second and Third pass of the bubble sort method used for arranging the following elements in descending order ?
Note: Show the status of all the elements after each pass very clearly underlining the changes.
152, 104, -100, 604, 190, 204
Write the definition of a method OddSum(NUMBERS) to add those values in the list of NUMBERS, which are odd.
Write Addnew(Book) and Remove(Book) methods in Python to Add a new Book and Remove a Book from a List of Books, considering them to act as PUSH and POP operations of the data structure Stack.
Write the definition of a Method AFIND(CITIES) to display all the city names from a list of CITIES, which are starting with alphabet A.
For example:
The following should get displayed
Write a method in Python to read lines from a text file DIARY.TXT, and display those lines, which are starting with an alphabet ‘P’.
def display():
while line:
if line[0]=='P' :
print line
file.close() #IGNORE