(i) Plot a graph to show variation of the angle of deviation as




CBSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

21. (i) State Bohr's quantization condition for defining stationary orbits. How does the de Broglie hypothesis explain the stationary orbits?

(ii) Find the relation between three wavelengths λ1, λ2 and λ3  from the energy-level diagram shown below.


22. Draw a schematic ray diagram of a reflecting telescope showing how rays coming from a distant object are received at the eyepiece. Write its two important advantages over a refracting telescope.

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


(i) An a.c. source of voltage V = Vo sin ωt is connected to a series combination of L, C and R. Use the phasor diagram to obtain an expression for impedance of a circuit and the phase angle between voltage and current. Find the condition when current will be in phase with the voltage. What is the circuit in this condition called?

ii) In a series LR circuit, XL = R and the power factor of the circuit is P1. When capacitor with capacitance C, such that XL = XC is put in series, the power factor becomes P2. Calculate P1 / P2.



(i) Write the function of a transformer. State its principle of working with the help of a diagram. Mention various energy losses in this device.

(ii) The primary coil of an ideal step-up transformer has 100 turns and the transformation ratio is also 100. The input voltage and power are 220 V and 1100 W, respectively. Calculate the:

a) number of turns in secondary

b) current in primary

c) voltage across secondary

d) current in secondary

e) power in secondary



(i) Define the term drift velocity.

(ii) On the basis of electron drift, derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of number density of free electrons and relaxation time. On what factors does resistivity of a conductor depend?

(iii) Why alloys like constantan and manganin are used for making standard resistors?


26. (i) State the principle of working of a potentiometer. 

(ii) In the following potentiometer circuit, AB is a uniform wire of length 1 m and resistance 10 Ω. Calculate the potential gradient along the wire and balance length AO (= l)


27. Meeta's father was driving her to school. At the traffic signal, she noticed that each traffic light was made of many tiny lights instead of a single bulb. When Meeta asked this question to her father, he explained the reason for this.

Answer the following questions based on above information:

(i) What were the values displayed by Meeta and her father?

(ii) What answer did Meeta's father give?

(iii) What are the tiny lights in traffic signals called and how do these operate?


28. (i) In Young's double-slit experiment, deduce the condition for (a) constructive and (b) destructive interference at a point on the screen. Draw a graph showing variation of intensity in the interference pattern against position 'x' on the screen.

(b) Compare the interference pattern observed in Young's double-slit experiment with single-slit diffraction pattern, pointing out three distinguishing features.


29. (i) Plot a graph to show variation of the angle of deviation as a function of angle of incidence for light passing through a prism. Derive an expression for refractive index of the prism in terms of angle of minimum deviation and angle of prism.

(ii) What is dispersion of light? What is its cause? 

(iii) A ray of light incident normally on one face of a right isosceles prism is totally reflected, as shown in fig. What must be the minimum value of refractive index of glass? Give relevant calculations.


If the angle of incidence is increased gradually, then the angle of deviation first decreases, attains a minimum value () and then again starts increasing.

When angle of deviation is minimum, the prism is at a minimum deviation position. 


The splitting of light into its component colors is known as dispersion of light. 

When a narrow beam of light is incident on a glass prism, the emergent light splits into seven colours called VIBGYOR. 

Reason for dispersion: The colors in the spectrum have different wavelengths. The wavelength of violet light is smaller than that of red light. the refractive index of a material in terms of the wavelength of the light is given by the Cauchy's expression. 

 ; where a, b and c are constants. 

Thus the refractive index is different for different colours and hence, dispersion occurs. 


The light which is incident normally on one face of a right-angled isosceles triangle prism is totally reflected.

straight mu space equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator sin space straight c end fraction space semicolon space where space straight c space is space the space critical space angle space equals space 45 to the power of straight o

Therefore comma space

straight mu space equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator sin space 45 to the power of straight o end fraction

straight mu space equals space square root of 2 space equals space 1.41 space

Therefore, minimum value of the refractive index of the glass is 1.41
