What powers and responsibilities have been delegated to the Panchayats?
According to the Constitution, Panchayats should be given powers and authority to function as institutions of self-government. It, thus, requires all state governments to revitalise local representative institutions. The following powers and responsibility have been delegated to the Panchayats:
(i) To prepare plans and schemes for economic development.
(ii) To promote schemes that will enhance social justice.
(iii) To levy, collect and appropriate taxes, duties, tolls and fees.
(iv) To help in the devolution of governmental responsibilities, especially that of finances to local authorities.
Social welfare responsibilities of the Panchayats include the maintenance of burning and burial grounds, recording statistics of births and deaths, the establishment of child welfare and maternity centres, control of cattle pounds, propagation of family planning and promotion of agricultural activities. The development activities include the construction of roads, public buildings, wells, tanks and schools.
If capitalism became the dominant economic system in the colonial period, nation-states became the dominant political form. Explain how this process took place.
Highlight the sources of conflict between national development and tribal development.