A college received fifty applications fora certain course. In th


Legal Aptitude


CLAT Class 12

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No minor can enter into a contract of work. Working in a shop can be done only by a contract. Which of the following derivation is correct?

  • A minor cannot work in a shop

  • A shop cannot contract with a minor

  • There cannot be a contract to which minor is a party

  • There cannot be a contract to which minor is a party



All motor vehicles are required to have third party insurance. Any vehicle not using a mechanical device is not a motor vehicle.

Which of the following is a correct derivation from the above?

  • All Third Party Insurances relate to motor vehicles

  • Vehicles not using mechanical device need not have Third Party Insurance

  • All vehicles must have Third Party Insurance

  • All vehicles must have Third Party Insurance



A contract contravening public policy is void. There cannot be a general definition of public policy.

Which of the following is a correct derivation from the above?

  • There cannot be a general definition of contract

  • Since public policy is uncertain, contract is also uncertain

  • The impact of public policy on contract is to be judged in individual cases

  • The impact of public policy on contract is to be judged in individual cases



International Law is the law between sovereign states. A sovereign is a supreme authority not bound by legal constraints.

Which of the following is a correct derivation from the above?

  • International law is not law binding on the sovereign states

  • International Law is only a positive morality

  • International Law is in the nature of pact between sovereign states

  • International Law is in the nature of pact between sovereign states




1) Consumable goods which are not fit for consumption are not marketable.

2) A consumer shall not suffer on account of unmarketable goods.

3) A seller is liable for knowingly selling unmarketable goods.

4) A manufacturer shall be liable for the quality of his products. Facts

Ram bought a Coca Cola bottle from Shama's shop. Back at home, the server opened the bottle and poured the drink into the glasses of Ram and his friend Tom. As Tom started drinking, he felt irritation in his throat. Immediately, Ram and Tom took the sample to test and found nitric acid in the content. Ram filed a suit against Shama, Coca Cola company and the bottler, Kishen

and Co. Suggested Decisions

(a) Ram cannot get compensation

(b) Tom can get compensation

(c) Both Ram and Tom can get compensation

Suggested Reasons

i) Shama did not know the contents of sealed bottle.

ii) Ram did not actually suffer though he bought the bottle.

iii) Tom did not buy the bottle.

iv) Coca Cola company is responsible since it supplied the concentrate.

v) Kishen & Co, is responsible since it added water, sugar, etc., and sealed the bottle.

vi) Shama is responsible for selling the defective product.

Your decision with the reason

  • (a) (ii)

  • (b) (vi)

  • (b) (vi)

  • (b) (vi)




1. If A is asked to do something by B, B is responsible for the act, not A.

2. If A, while acting for B commits a wrong, A is responsible for the wrong, not B.

3. If A is authorised to do something for B, but in the name of A without disclosing B's

presence, both A and B may be held liable.


Somu contracted with Amar whereunder Amar would buy a pump set to be used in Somu'sfarm. Such a pumpset was in short supply in the market. Gulab, a dealer, had such a pumpset and he refused to sell it to Amar. Amar threatened Gulab of serious consequences if he fails to part with the pumpset. Gulab filed a complaint against Amar.

Proposed Decision

(a) Amar alone is liable for the wrong though he acted for Somu.

(b) Amar is not liable for the wrong, though he is bound by the contract with


(c) Somu is bound by the contract and liable for the wrong. (d) Both Somu and Amar are liable for

the wrong.

Suggested Reasons

i) Amar committed the wrong while acting for the benefit of Somu.

ii) Amar cannot do while acting for Somu something which he cannot do while acting for


iii) Both Amar and Somu are liable since they are bound by the contract.

iv) Somu has to be responsible for the act of Amar committed for Somu's benefit.

Your decision with the reason

  • (a) (i)

  • (a) (ii)

  • (d)

  • (d)




1. The owner of a land has absolute interest on the property including the contents over and

under the property.

2. Water flowing below your land is not yours though you can use it.

3. Any construction on your land belongs to you.

4. All mineral resources below the land belong to the State. Facts

There is a subterranean water flow under Suresh's land surface. Suresh constructed a huge reservoir and drew all subterranean water to the reservoir. As a result, the wells of all adjacent property owners have gone dry. They demanded that either Suresh must demolish the reservoir or share the reservoir water with them.

Proposed Decision

(a) Suresh need not demolish the reservoir. (b) Suresh has to demolish the reservoir.

(c) Suresh has to share the water with his neighbours. (d) The Government can take

over the reservoir. Possible reasons

i) Water cannot be captured by one person for his personal use. ii) The Government

must ensure equitable distribution of water. iii) Whatever is under Suresh's land may be

used by him.

iv) Suresh has to respect the rights of others regarding water.

Your decision with the reason

  • (a) (iii)

  • (b) (i)

  • (c) (iv)

  • (c) (iv)




A college received fifty applications fora certain course. In the qualifying examination,
one-tenth of them secured marks in 90-95% range. Within remaining segment, threefifths
of them secured marks in 75-90% range. The rest secured below 75%. To get admission,
the following restrictions hold good

  • No student who has scored below 75% can seek admission to Physics course

  • No student is allowed to opt Physics without opting Mathematics

  • No student is allowed to opt Physics and Astrophysics simultaneously

  • No student is allowed to opt Physics and Astrophysics simultaneously


No student is allowed to opt Physics without opting Mathematics



Which one of the following alternatives is possible ?

  • Ninety percent of the applicants are admitted to Physics course.

  • Thirty-five percent of the applicants who are otherwise ineligible to join Physics course are admitted to Mathematics and Astrophysics course.

  • Students of Physics course outnumber those of Mathematics.

  • Students of Physics course outnumber those of Mathematics.



A tourist can tour utmost four places out of A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Out of four, not
more than two can come under holiday tour and at least two must come under business trip.
The break up is as follows :
A, B C and D - Business tour E, F and G - Holiday tour. The following restrictions hold

A) If A is included, then both C and G are excluded.
B) If neither E nor F is included, then B or G or both of them can be included.
C) If G is included, then D cannot be included. Which one of the following combinations is
possible ?

  • A, C, E and F

  • B, G and E

  • A, D and G

  • A, D and G

