‘As a century draws to a close, people start behaving much lik


Logical Reasoning


CLAT Class 12

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‘Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Wednesday, Monday, Sunday,__________,
Which of the following best fits in the blank?

  • Sunday

  • Tuesday

  • Saturday

  • Saturday



‘387924,_______, 3724, 423, 32, 2’. Which number is missing?

  • 42978

  • 42783

  • 42983

  • 42983



‘Gym, hymn, lynx, pygmy, rhythm’
Which of the following words does not belong to the above set?

  • Myrrh

  • Mythic

  • Flyby

  • Flyby



Aadvark, Eerie, Iiwi, Oolong,________
Which of the following words follows the pattern of this series?

  • Uvula

  • Uulium

  • Uranium

  • Uranium



‘China has a higher literacy rate than India. This is due to the greater efficiency of the Communist system. Efficiency is sorely lacking in India’s democratic system. Therefore, democracy is the biggest obstacle to India’s achieving 100% literacy.’
Which of the following, if true, would directly undermine the above argument?

  • Inefficiency is equally a problem in democracies and Communist countries.

  • Communist systems do not respect human rights

  • Freedom is more important than literacy.

  • Freedom is more important than literacy.



‘In 399 BC, a jury in Athens condemned Socrates to death for impiety and corrupting the morals of the youth. Socrates’ friends offered to help him escape, but Socrates refused. Socrates argued that the fact that he had lived in Athens for so many years meant that he had committed himself to obeying its laws. It would therefore be wrong for him to break those very laws he was implicitly committed to obeying.’
Which one of the following claims constitutes the most plausible challenge to Socrates’ argument?

  • Long residence only commits someone to obeying just laws and Socrates was convicted under an unjust law.

  • Long residence by itself does not imply a commitment to obeying laws since one never made any explicit commitment

  • Obedience to the law is not always required

  • Obedience to the law is not always required



‘Soft drinks have been shown by scientists to be bad for the teeth. Therefore, the government would be justified in banning all soft drinks from the Indian market.
Assuming that the factual claim in the above argument is true, what else needs to be assumed for the conclusion to follow?

  • The government is justified in banning anything that is bad for dental health

  • Soft drinks are also bad for gastric health

  • Dental hygiene is a matter of great concern.

  • Dental hygiene is a matter of great concern.



‘In order to be eligible for election to the Lok Sabha, a person must be at least 25 years of age. Moreover, one must not be bankrupt. Therefore, Jatinder Singh, over 50 years of age and without any criminal convictions, cannot be the Speaker of the Lok Sabha since he has just filed for bankruptcy.
Which of the following must be assumed for the conclusion to follow logically?

  • Anyone over 50 years of ago is eligible to be Speaker of the Lok Sabha as long as he or she has no criminal convictions

  • People without criminal convictions cannot be elected to the Lok Sabha even if they are not bankrupt.

  • Only those eligible for election to the Lok Sabha are eligible to be the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

  • Only those eligible for election to the Lok Sabha are eligible to be the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.




‘As a century draws to a close, people start behaving much like people coming to the end of a long life.
People approaching death often start reflecting on the events of their lives. Similarly, people alive in
Which of the following most logically completes the paragraph above?

  • …..started reflecting on the events of the twentieth century

  • …..started to reflect on the events of their lives

  • ……started to fear death

  • ……started to fear death


…..started reflecting on the events of the twentieth century



‘The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius proposed the following thought experiment. If the universe has a boundary, we can throw a spear at this boundary. If the spear flies through, then it is not a boundary. If the spear bounces back, there must something beyond this boundary that is itself in space, which means it is not a boundary at all. Either way, it turns out that the universe has no boundary.’
How best can the form of Lucretius’ argument for the infinity of space be described?

  • Lucretius shows that positing finite space leads to a contradiction

  • Lucretius shows that finite space is inconsistent with physics.

  • Lucretius shows that finite space is inconsistent with mathematics

  • Lucretius shows that finite space is inconsistent with mathematics

