


ICSE Class 12

Pre Boards

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

31. (i) In an electromagnetic wave, how are electric vector E, magnetic vector B and velocity of propagation of the wave (c) oriented?

ii) How long would gamma radiation take to travel from sun to earth, a distance of 1.5x1011m?


With the help of a labelled diagram, show that fringe separation β in Young’s double slit experiment is given by:

                               straight beta space equals space λD over straight d
where the terms have their usual meaning.



(i) What is the difference between polarised light unpolarised light based on the direction of electric vector E?

(ii) What will be the effect on the width of the central bright fringe in the diffraction pattern of a single slit if :

(1)    Monochromatic light of smaller wavelength is used.

(2)    Slit is made narrower.



At what angle, a ray of light should be incident on the first face AB of a regular glass prism ABC so that the emergent ray grazes the adjacent face AC? See Figure 7 below. (Refractive Index of glass = 1.6)



35. A convex lens ‘L’ and a plane mirror ‘M’ are arranged as shown in Figure 8 below. Position of object pin ‘O’ is adjusted in such a way that the inverted image ‘I’ formed by the lens mirror combination, coincides with the object pin ‘s. Explain how and when this happens.


36. Starting with an expression for refraction at a single spherical surface obtain an expression for lens maker’s formula. 


37. Show that the axial chromatic aberration (fr-fv) for a convex lens is equal to the product of its mean focal length (f) and dispersive power (ω ) of its material i.e. Prove : (fr-fv ) = ω f.

Let the mean refractive index of the material of the lens be n1 and the mean focal length of the lens be fy.

From lens makes formule, 

1 over straight f subscript straight y space equals space left parenthesis n subscript y space minus space 1 right parenthesis open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 space minus space 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses

F o r space r e d space a n d space v i o l e t comma space

1 over f subscript v space equals space left parenthesis n subscript v minus 1 right parenthesis open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 minus 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses

1 over f subscript r space equals space left parenthesis n subscript R space minus space 1 right parenthesis open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 minus 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses

1 over f subscript v minus 1 over f subscript R space equals space left parenthesis n subscript v space minus space n subscript R right parenthesis open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 minus 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses

equals space fraction numerator left parenthesis n subscript v minus n subscript R right parenthesis space left parenthesis n subscript y minus 1 right parenthesis over denominator left parenthesis n subscript y minus 1 right parenthesis end fraction open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 minus 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses

equals space left parenthesis n subscript y minus 1 right parenthesis space open parentheses 1 over R subscript 1 minus 1 over R subscript 2 close parentheses.1 over straight f subscript straight y

1 over f subscript v minus 1 over f subscript R space equals space open parentheses fraction numerator straight n subscript straight v space end subscript minus space straight n subscript straight R over denominator n subscript y minus 1 end fraction close parentheses.1 over straight f subscript straight y space

space space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses straight f subscript straight r space minus space straight f subscript straight v close parentheses over denominator straight f subscript straight v space straight f subscript straight y end fraction

space equals space open parentheses fraction numerator straight n subscript straight v space end subscript minus space straight n subscript straight R over denominator n subscript y minus 1 end fraction close parentheses.1 over straight f subscript straight y

straight f subscript straight v comma straight f subscript straight T comma straight f subscript straight v space rightwards arrow space differ space slightly

space space space space space space space straight f subscript straight v space. space straight f subscript straight R space equals space straight f subscript straight y squared

rightwards double arrow space fraction numerator left parenthesis straight f subscript straight R space minus space straight f subscript straight v right parenthesis over denominator straight f subscript straight y squared end fraction space equals space space open parentheses fraction numerator straight n subscript straight v space end subscript minus space straight n subscript straight R over denominator n subscript y minus 1 end fraction close parentheses.1 over straight f subscript straight y

rightwards double arrow space left parenthesis straight f subscript straight R space minus space straight f subscript straight v right parenthesis space equals space open parentheses fraction numerator straight n subscript straight v space end subscript minus space straight n subscript straight R over denominator n subscript y minus 1 end fraction close parentheses space straight f subscript straight y space
open parentheses fraction numerator straight n subscript straight v space end subscript minus space straight n subscript straight R over denominator n subscript y minus 1 end fraction close parentheses space equals space dispersive space power space equals space straight w

straight f subscript straight r space minus space straight f subscript straight v space equals space straight w space straight x space straight f subscript straight y space space left parenthesis thin space straight f subscript straight y space rightwards arrow space mean space focal space length right parenthesis



Draw a labelled diagram of an image formed by a compound microscope, with the image at least distance of distinct vision. Write any one expression for its magnifying power.


39. What is meant by long-sightedness? How can this defect be corrected?


(i) What is meant by ‘Quantization of charge? 

(ii) In Thomson’s experiment, prove that the ratio of charge to the mass (e/m) of an electron is given by :

straight e over straight m space equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 V end fraction E squared over B squared
where the terms have their usual meaning.

