In the electrolytic refining of zinc from Chemistry JEE Year 201




JEE Class 12

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pH value of which one of the following is not equal to one?

  • 0.1 M HNO3

  • 0.05 M H2SO4

  • 0.1 M CH3COOH

  • 50 cm3 of 0.4 M HCl + 50 cm3of 0.2 M NaOH


Which one of these is not true for benzene?

  • It forms only one type of monosubstituted product

  • There are three carbon-carbon single bonds and three carbon-carbon double bonds

  • The heat of hydrogenation of benzene is less than the theoretical value

  • The bond angle between the carbon-carbon bonds is 120°


Generally, the first ionization energy increases along a period. But there are some exceptions. One which is not an exception is

  • N and O

  • Na and Mg

  • Mg and Al

  • Be and B


Which one of the following conformations of cyclohexane is the least stable?

  • Half-chair

  • Boat

  • Twisted-boat

  • Chair


Which one of the following is a molecular crystal?

  • Rock salt

  • Quartz

  • Dry ice

  • Diamond


Chloroacetic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid. This can be explained using

  • -M effect

  • - I effect

  • +M effect

  • +I effect


For alkali metals, which one of the following trends is incorrect?

  • Hydration energy : Li > Na > K > Rb

  • Ionization energy : Li > Na > K > Rb

  • Density : Li < Na < K < Rb

  • Atomic size : Li < Na < K < Rb


A dibromo derivative of an alkane reacts with sodium metal to form an alicyclic hydrocarbon. The derivative is

  • 1, 1-dibromopropane

  • 2, 2-dibromobutane

  • 1, 2-dibromoethane

  • 1, 4-dibromobutane



In the electrolytic refining of zinc

  • graphite is at the anode

  • the impure metal is at the cathode

  • the metal ion get reduced at the anode

  • acidified zinc sulphate is the electrolyte


acidified zinc sulphate is the electrolyte

In the electrolytic refining of zinc, anode is made up of impure zinc while a strip of pure zinc acts as cathode. An acidified solution of zinc sulphate acts as electrolyte. When electricity is passed, following reactions occur.

At cathode: Zn2+ + 2e- →Zn(pure)

At anode : Zn(impure) → Zn2+ + 2e- 


In chromite ore, the oxidation number of iron, and chromium are respectively

  • +3,+2

  • +3,+6

  • +2,+6

  • +2,+3
