If in the reaction N2O4 2NO2: is the degree of dissociation of N2O4 then total number of moles at equilibrium is
To convert 94 g of ice at 0°C into 94g of vapour at 100° C, the quantity of coal (90% carbon) required is : (ΔHc of carbon = -94 k cal mol-1);latent heat of fusion = + 80 cal per gm; latent heat ofvaporisation=+ 540 cal per gm; specificheat of water = 1 cal per gm per °C).
9.6 g
The ratio of de-Broglie wavelengths for electron accelerated through 200 V and 50 V is
The nuclear reaction, is
nuclear fusion
nuclear fission
nuclear transmutation
artificial radioactivity
An organic compound A contains 20% C, 46.66% N and 6.66% H. It gives NH3 gas on heating with NaOH. A can be
In the equilibrium mixture, KI+ I2 KI3 the concentration of KI and I2 and three fold respectively . The concentration of KI3 becomes
two fold
three fold
five fold
six fold
Lithium is the strongest reducing agent because of
its greater hydration energy
its high ionization energy
its high electron affinity
its low electronegativity
its greater hydration energy
Lithum is the strongest reducing agent However IE of lithium is highest among alkali metals So, its reducing nature should be minimum.
The greatest reducing nature of Li in aqueous medium is due to the maximum hydration energy of Li+ ion.
In qualitative analysis, NH4Cl is added before NH4OH
to increase [OH-] concentration
for making HCl
to decrease [OH-] concentration
Statment is wrong
C2H5Cl . This method is
Wurtz synthesis
Kolbe synthesis
Corey House synthesis
Friedel-Craft synthesis