The second ionisation enthalpy of which of the following alkaline




JEE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Number of acyclic structural isomers of the compound having the molecular formula C4H10O is

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7


If 27 g of water is formed during complete combustion of pure propene (C3H6), the mass of propene burnt is

  • 42 gm

  • 21 gm

  • 14 gm

  • 56 gm


The various types of hydrides and examples of each type are given below.
Hydride types Compounds
A. Electron deficient i. LiH
B. Saline ii. CH4
C. Electron iii. NH3
D. Interstitial iv. B2H6
E. Electron rich v. CrH

Choose the correct matching from the codes given below:

  • A - ii; B - iv; C - v; D - iii; E - i

  • A - iv; B - i; C - ii; D - v; E - iii

  • A - iv; B - iii; C - v; D - ii; E - i

  • A - v; B - iii; C - iv; D - ii; E - i



The second ionisation enthalpy of which of the following alkaline earth metals is the highest?

  • Be

  • Ba

  • Mg

  • Ca



As all members of the given options belongs to the same group, therefore, size will decide the amount of 2nd ionisation energy.

 IE  1size

Thus, smaller is the size, more is the consation energy, Therefore, Be has highest second ionisation enthalpy.


Choose the correct matching of transition metal ion and magnetic moment from the codes given below. (Atomic number: Ti = 22, V =23, Fe= 26)
Transition element Magnetic moment (BM)
A. Titanium (III) i. 4.9
B. Vanadium (II) ii. 1.73
C. Iron (II) iii. 3.87

  • A - ii; B - iii; C - i

  • A - ii; B - i; C - iii

  • A - i; B - ii; C - iii

  • A - i; B - iii; C - ii


31 g of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is mixed with 500 g of solvent (Kf of the solvent is 2 K kg mol-1 ). What is the freezing point of the solution (in K)? (Freezing point of solvent = 273 K)

  • 272

  • 271

  • 270

  • 274


The standard reduction potential for Zn2+ /Zn, Ni2+ /Ni and Fe2+ /Fe are respectively -0.76, -0.23 and -0.44 V. The reaction X + Y2+ → X2+ + Y will have more negative G value when X and Y are

  • X = Ni; Y = Fe

  • X = Ni; Y = Zn

  • X = Fe; Y = Zn

  • X = Zn; Y = Ni


An element crystallising in body centred cubic lattice has an edge length of 500 pm. If its density is 4 g cm-3, the atomic mass of the element (in g mol-1) is (consider N= 6 × 1023)

  • 100

  • 250

  • 125

  • 150


The rate constant of the reaction, 2N2O5 → 4NO2 + O2 at 300 K is 3 × 10-5 s-1. If the rate of the reaction at the same temperature is 2.4 × 10-5 mol dm-3 s-1, then the molar concentration of N2O5 is

  • 0.4 M

  • 0.8 M

  • 0.04 M

  • 0.08 M


In the reaction, A → Products, when the concentration of A was reduced from 2.4 × 10-2 M to 1.2 × 10-2 M, the rate decreased 8 times at the same temperature; The order of the reaction is

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3
