The value of p and q for which the function f(x) = from Mathema




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Let α,  β be real and z be a complex number. If z2 + αz + β = 0 has two distinct roots on the line Re z = 1, then it is necessary that

  • β ∈(0, 1)

  • β ∈(-1, 0)

  • |β| = 1

  • |β| = 1



The coefficient of x7 in the expansion of (1 - x - x2 +x3)6 is :

  • 144

  • -132

  • -144

  • -144



A man saves Rs. 200 in each of the first three months of his service. In each of the subsequent months his saving increases by Rs. 40 more than the saving of immediately previous month. His total saving from the start of service will be Rs. 11040 after

  • 18 Months

  • 19 Months

  • 20 Months

  • 20 Months



Consider the following statements
P: Suman is brilliant
Q: Suman is rich
R: Suman is honest. The negation of the statement ì Suman is brilliant and dishonest if and only if Suman is richî can be ex- pressed as

  •  ~ P ^ (Q ↔ ~ R)

  • ~ (Q ↔ (P ^ ~R)

  • ~ Q ↔ ~ P ^ R

  • ~ Q ↔ ~ P ^ R



If ω(≠1) is a cube root of unity, and (1 + ω)7 = A + Bω.Then (A, B) equals

  • (0,1)

  • (1,1)

  • (1,0)

  • (1,0)



If the mean deviation about the median of the numbers a, 2a, ....., 50a is 50, then |a| equals 

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 4



Let R be the set of real numbers.
Statement-1 : A = {(x, y) ∈R × R : y - x is an integer} is an equivalence relation on R.
Statement-2 : B = {(x, y) ∈ R × R : x = αy for some rational number α} is an equivalence relation on R.

  • Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1. 

  • (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1. 

  • Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. 

  • Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false. 



Consider 5 independent Bernoulliís trials each with a probability of success p. If the probability of at least one failure is greater than or equal to 31/32, then p lies in the interval

  • (1/2, 3/4]

  • (3/4, 11/12]

  • [0, 1/2]

  • [0, 1/2]


9. fraction numerator straight d squared straight x over denominator dy squared end fraction equal to
  • open parentheses fraction numerator straight d squared straight x over denominator dy squared end fraction close parentheses to the power of negative 1 end exponent
  • negative open parentheses fraction numerator straight d squared straight y over denominator dx squared end fraction close parentheses to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses dy over dx close parentheses to the power of negative 3 end exponent
  • open parentheses fraction numerator straight d squared straight y over denominator dx squared end fraction close parentheses open parentheses dy over dx close parentheses to the power of negative 2 end exponent
  • open parentheses fraction numerator straight d squared straight y over denominator dx squared end fraction close parentheses open parentheses dy over dx close parentheses to the power of negative 2 end exponent



The value of p and q for which the function f(x) =open curly brackets table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell table attributes columnalign left columnspacing 1.4ex end attributes row cell fraction numerator sin space left parenthesis straight p space plus 1 right parenthesis space straight x space plus space sin space straight x over denominator straight x end fraction comma end cell cell straight x less than 0 end cell row cell straight q comma end cell cell straight x space equals space 0 space is space continuous space for space all space straight x space in space straight R comma space are colon end cell end table
fraction numerator square root of straight x space plus straight x squared end root minus square root of straight x over denominator straight x to the power of 3 divided by 2 end exponent end fraction space comma space straight x greater than space 0 space end cell row space end table close

  • p = 1/2. q = -3/2

  • p = 5/2, q = 1/2

  • p = - 3/2, q = 1/2

  • p = - 3/2, q = 1/2


p = - 3/2, q = 1/2

f(0) = q
straight f left parenthesis 0 to the power of plus right parenthesis space equals stack space lim with straight x space rightwards arrow 0 to the power of plus below space fraction numerator left parenthesis 1 space plus straight x right parenthesis to the power of 1 divided by 2 end exponent minus 1 space over denominator straight x end fraction
space equals space stack space lim with straight x space rightwards arrow 0 to the power of minus below space fraction numerator left parenthesis 1 space plus begin display style 1 half end style straight x...... negative 1 space over denominator straight x end fraction space equals space 1 half
straight f left parenthesis 0 to the power of minus right parenthesis space equals space stack space lim with straight x space rightwards arrow 0 to the power of minus below fraction numerator sin space left parenthesis straight p plus 1 right parenthesis space straight x space plus space sin space straight x over denominator straight x end fraction
straight f left parenthesis 0 to the power of minus right parenthesis space space equals space stack space lim with straight x space rightwards arrow 0 to the power of minus below space fraction numerator left parenthesis cos space left parenthesis straight p space plus 1 right parenthesis space straight x right parenthesis space left parenthesis straight p plus 1 right parenthesis space space plus space left parenthesis cos space straight x right parenthesis over denominator 1 end fraction
space equals space left parenthesis straight p space plus 1 right parenthesis space space plus 1 space equals space straight p space plus 2
therefore space straight p space plus 2 space equals space straight q space equals space 1 half
rightwards double arrow space straight p space equals space minus 3 divided by 2 comma space straight q space equals space 1 divided by 2

