A body is moving at a speed near 0.3 ms-1. To measure its speed w




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If M = Mass, L = Length, T = Time and I = Electric current, then the dimensional formula for electrical resistance R is given by

  • [R] = [M1L2T-3I-2]

  • [R] = [M1L2T-3I2]

  • [R] = [M1L2T3I-2]

  • [R] = [M1L2T3I2]



A body is moving at a speed near 0.3 ms-1. To measure its speed with an accuracy about 1%, using a sampling distance 3 mm, the measuring clock should have a least count of the order of

  • 0.1 s

  • 0.01 s

  • 0.001 s

  • 0.0001 s


0.0001 s

Least count = 1 % × 3 × 10-30.3                   = 1100 × 0.01                   = 0.0001 s


A train moves from one station to another in 2 hours time. Its speed-time graph during this motion is shown below. The maximum acceleration during the journey is


  • 140 kmh-2

  • 160 kmh-2

  • 100 kmh-2

  • 120 kmh-2


A body dropped from a height h with an initial speed zero reaches the ground with a velocity of 3 km/h. Another body of the same mass was dropped from the same height h with an initial speed 4 km/h will reach the ground with a velocity of

  • 3 km/h

  • 4 km/h

  • 5 km/h

  • 12 km/h


If the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms-2 and the units of length and time are changed to kilometre and hour respectively, the numerical value of the acceleration due to gravity is

  • 360000

  • 72000

  • 36000

  • 129600


A boat man can row with a speed of 10 km/h in still water. If the river flows at 5 km/h, the direction in which the boat man should row to reach a point on the other bank directly opposite to the point from where he started is (width of the river is 2 km)

  • in a direction inclined at 120° to the direction of river flow

  • in a direction inclined at 90° to the direction of river flow

  • 60° in the north-west direction

  • should row directly along the river flow


The maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two given vectors are 17 units and 7 units respectively. If these two vectors are at right angles to each other, the magnitude of their resultant is

  • 14

  • 16

  • 18

  • 13


A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100 m. The speed with which he throws the ball is (to the nearest integer)

  • 30 ms-1

  • 42 ms-1

  • 32 ms-1

  • 35 ms-1


A box whose mass is 5 kg lies on a spring balance inside a lift. The lift starts to ascend with an acceleration of 2 ms-2. The reading of the machine or balance is (g = 10 ms-2)

  • 50 kg

  • zero

  • 49 kg

  • 60 kg


A ball of mass 0.5 kg moving with a velocity of 2 ms-1 strikes a wall normally and bounces back with the same speed. If the time of contact between the ball and wall is 10-3 s, the average force exerted by the wall on the ball is

  • 1125 N

  • 1000 N

  • 500 N

  • 2000 N
