A projectile is moving at 20 ms-1 at its highest point, where it




JEE Class 12

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A very large number of balls are thrown vertically upwards in quick successions in such a way that the next ball is thrown when the previous one is at the maximum height. If the maximum height is 5 m, the number of balls thrown per minute is (take g = 10 m/s2)

  • 80

  • 120

  • 40

  • 60


The resultant of two forces, one double the other in magnitude, is perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces. The angle between the two forces is

  • 120°

  • 60°

  • 90°

  • 150°



A projectile is moving at 20 ms-1 at its highest point, where it breaks into equal parts due to an internal explosion. One part moves vertically up at 30 ms-1 with respect to the ground. Then the other part will move at

  • 20 ms-1

  • 1031 ms-1

  • 50 ms-1

  • 30 ms-1


50 ms-1

p1 = mu = m . 20

 p1 = p2 + p3


   p2 = p12 + p22mv2 = m2 202 + m2 302mv2 = m2 402 + 302    v = 50 m/sec


A body is projected vertically upwards from the surface of a planet of radius R with a velocity equal to half the escape velocity for that planet. The maximum height attained by the body is

  • R/2

  • R/3

  • R/5

  • R/4


From the top of a tower a stone is thrown up which reaches the ground in a time t1. A second stone thrown down with the same speed reaches the ground in a time t2. A third stone released from rest from the same between reaches the ground in a time t3. Then

  • 1t3 = 1t2 - 1t1

  • t32 = t12 - t22

  • t3 = t1 + t22

  • t3 = t1 t2


The energy spectrum of a black body exhibits a maximum around a wavelength λ0. The temperature of the black body is now changed such that the energy is maximum around a wavelength 3λ04. The power radiated by the black body will now increase by a factor of

  • 64/27

  • 256/81

  • 4/3

  • 16/9


n identical bulbs, each designated to draw a power P from a certain voltage supply. The total power which they will draw is

  • Pn

  • Pn2

  • nP

  • P


A racing car moving towards a cliff, sounds its horn. The driver observes that the sound reflected from the cliff has a pitch one octave higher than the actual sound of the horn. If v is the velocity of sound, then the velocity of the car is

  • v/2

  • v/2

  • v/4

  • v/3


A railway engine whistling at a constant frequency moves with a constant speed. It goes past a stationary observer beside the railway track. Which of the following graphs best represent the variation of frequency of the sound n heard by the observer with the time t ?


The tension of a stretched string is increased by 69 %. In order to keep its frequency of vibration constant, its length must be increased by

  • 30 %

  • 20 %

  • 69 %

  • 69 %
