A student unable to answer a question on Newton s laws of motion




JEE Class 12

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If M is the mass ofthe earth and R its radius, the ratio of the gravitational acceleration and the gravitational constant is

  • R2M

  • MR2

  • MR2

  • MR



A student unable to answer a question on Newton's laws of motion attempts to pull himself up by tugging on his hair. He will not succeed

  • as the force exerted is small

  • the frictional force while gripping, is small

  • Newton's law of inertia is not applicable to living beings

  • as the force applied is internal to the system


as the force applied is internal to the system

In this case the internal force is applied on the system, so he will not succeed. According to Newton's law the state of a body can only be changed if some external force is applied on it.


Three long, straight parallel wires, carrying current, are arranged as shown in figure. The force experienced by a 25 cm length of wire C is


  • 5.2 × 103 N

  • 2.5 × 10-3 N

  • zero

  • 1.5 × 10-3 N


A 5.0 amp current is setup in an external circuit by a 6.0 volt storage battery for 6.0 minutes. The chemical energy of the battery is reduced by

  • 1.08 × 104 J

  • 108 × 104 J

  • 1.8 × 104 J

  • 18 × 104 J


The adjacent figure is the part of a horizontally stretched net. Section AB is stretched with a force of 10 N. The tensions in the sections BC and BF are


  • 10 N, 11 N

  • 10 N, 6 N

  • 10 N, 10 N

  • can't be calculated due to insufficient data


Out of the following four dimensional quantities, which one qualifies to be called a dimensional constant ?

  • Acceleration due to gravity

  • Surface tension of water

  • Weight of a standard kilogram mass

  • The velocity of light in vacuum


The relationship between the force F and position x of a body is as shown in figure. The work done in displacing the body from x = 1 m to x = 5 m will be


  • 30 J

  • 15 J

  • 25 J

  • 20 J


From the top of a tower of two stones, whose masses are in the ratio 1 : 2 are thrown on straight up with an initial speed u and the second straight down with the same speed u. Then neglecting air resistance

  • the heavier stone hits the ground with a higher speed

  • the lighter stone hits the ground with a higher speed

  • both the stones will have the same speed when they hit the ground

  • the speed can't be determined with the gven data


From the adjacent figure, the correct observation is


  • the pressure on the bottom of tank A is greater than at the bottom of B

  • the pressure on the bottom of the tank A is smaller than at the bottom of B

  • the pressure depends on the shape of the container

  • the pressure on the bottom of A and B is the same


Which one of the following is not a unit of Young's modulus?

  • Nm-1

  • Nm-2

  • dyne cm-2

  • Mega pascal
